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What do you think of the March offerings at the Trading Post?
Where is the blue SnapBack scutttlerrrr he is all I want !!! 😂
My freezing thing is broken. Last month I ended up buying the thing I froze and froze the Bow but this morning the item I alread have was still in the freeze slot 🤷♂️
The dragonrider set's chest is just tattoo.
It's unfortunate that the total price of everything this month is 4560. It's unfortunate because everything this month looks amazing!
My feelings are…1. I should have saved last month's tokens 2. So much pirate goodness. 3 Actually motivated to log in right now.
Meh, hopefully better next time
No mounts even to purchase? What a load of horseshit. Should have at least one mount per month.
sorry how to remove freezed items?
Loving this month's rewards. Thanks for another fantastic video. Straight onto the 5 Torghast mounts video with me now 🙂
so what happened to last months mount?
very nice roster of items. im so hyped for the black cloaks
I love the black cloak and hood
Think I'm the only person disappointed with this months 😪
A Peeves armor set 🤤
Im gonna have to get the darkmoon set for my rogue. Definitely feels like Shaco!
Idk about yall but transmog is the most fun part of the whole game for me.
So im loving that blizzard is diving into the fun
I hate how all the rewards you obtain from the trading post are just temporary and will disappear next month. What's even the point with this feature to begin with?
Prices are too high.
Thank you. Sadly there is just 1 item I want – the treasure back.
Do you think they will ever give us gear dye? So we can dye our gear different colors? Would be cool.
Just got home from work. I promise you I will have that set by midnight.
Since they fucked up backpacks and how the BFA one now hides weapons aswell im not excited about new one either.
can you get all rewards with one character or there is a limit on how many currency you can get?
Looks like I will be able to save more tokens again
I don't understand why people like this stuff, I wouldn't buy any of it. I might get the pirate hat just to be goofy.
I'm debating on the plate set, DEFINITELY feeling the mail set. I'd also really like the shield and I have the pink helm and cloak and would love to get it in black as well xD. Just gimme them in every colour haha. I froze the staff from last month but I might just let it go, we'll see :).
Absolutely nothing here. Wish we could trade tokens for something else useful
There's no mount this month. That's really the only things I want from the trading post.
Aww… No mount 😢
A chest on your back ohhhh wow I'm shocked
Really enjoying WoW now; just fun! 🙂
hello, nice vid, been of for 4-5 years and wonder if its worth coming back?
How are you getting the items to show on the right side where you can mouse over individual slots? It's not visible on my end.
Ha. Sorry Blizz. No mount, no sub.
No mounts??
Nice mogs though I would of loved to get more mounts again
The rewards are pretty good. I wish there were a way to grind out enough currency to buy all of the items each month. It's irritating to not be able to obtain them all.
no mount ;c
but darmoon set look cool
It's amazing how many youtubers would become obsolete if wowhead just made vids about their own articles and posted them before anyone else could..
Maybe the panda monk and the evoker transmod. Maybe. Really looking for pets and mount though
does it change every month at day 1 ?? i mean i cant log in in wow until april 2
What a waste, could've made great content to go alongside these