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What do you think of this Video Series?
In that order
Hot Take: Shadowlands was more alt friendly compared to WoD and BFA. Easy Renown to get for alts, a free legendary just by doing a quest. Easy flying acquisition. Easy borrowed power system. Cross-faction play.
Night Faye are the most boring
Whenever a new expansions comes out everyone starts reminiscing about the previous ones. It's hilarious because these same people complain about shadowlands like they complained about draenor or Battle for Azeroth. When DragonFlight comes out people will complain or riot, then reminsce about shadowlands.
Hot take: The writing of shadowlands is decent if looked at as a provides mystery and action. it suffers from pacing but that cant be solved easily with an mmo type game.
Hot Take: Dragonflight will be the best expansion and people are just nitpicking about the dracthyr design
Hot Take: Shadowlands made the best recovery (in terms of accessibility and flexibility (catchup systems, covenant swapping, renown boost, etc.)).
i agree with the 'tyranda is reckless' bit, she perpetuated a war, dove into the maw, got lost and went on a murder spree, wound up in torghast, was cured of some of the night warrior power, and then threw a hissy fit when she was denied her vengeance.
This is why you only have 110k subscribers
disagree with the title cause 1. Wrath is an awful expansion and 2. shadowlands is the best expansion since MoP
Hot take: mythic raids should be a cosmetic challenge mode and not award any higher ilvl than heroic.
Hot Take: Looking for Raid should continue to open wings at increasing difficulty the whole patch and require item level and achievement to move on.
LFR Wing 1 (Raid Finder)
LFR Wing 2 (Raid Finder)
LFR Wing 3 (Raid Finder)
LFR Wing 4 (Raid Finder)
LFR Wing 1 (Normal)
LFR Wing 2 (Normal)
LFR Wing 3 (Normal)
LFR Wing 4 (Normal)
LFR Wing 1 (Heroic)
I would love more difficult raids but my boomer schedule means I would only be able to do a wing at a time.
Oh and no determination after Raid Finder difficulty.
WOD wasn't bad until the brutal content drought.
I have quit wow in bfa but i don't see how shadowlands its worse than wod and cata i only tolerated those because i had a bad pc at that time but mop legion and bfa where probably better after legion they found a good plan to give players stuff to do outside of queuing for raids and dungeons all day bfa was like a worse legion and i think shadowlands is like a worse bfa.
But i did end up quitting because i prefer classic and i also wanted to try out other mmos on my new pc and despite my hardware being much better after bfa the loading times got a lot worse despite me having better hardware and it got even worse in shadowlands but i can play newer games just fine does anyone else have this issue i also quit classic in 2021 for other reasons.
My hot take is that as not a big fan of Sylvanas in BfA and Shadowlands I can't stop thinking that Sylvanas was not responsible for everything that happened in Shadowlands! The drought in Revendreath was all Denathrius doing, in Bastion Davos was responsible and in Maldraxus one house turned against the other! but in Sylvana's judgement we see citizens of every area blame her!!
PVP is the main reason to play
About the guy that mentioned legion legendaries… you said you disagree with him. Well, it was pure rng, but in shadowlands wasnt great either (you mentioned lots gold and i agree). Maybe if it was a mix? A random drop that gives you 3 options to choose from, like in thorghast?
* worst
No other expansion besides Shadowlands and BFA have made me legitimately hate being online.
The first tier was fine but near the end of it I just couldn't anymore.
Lmao at the amount of dislikes you got just for making that the title of the video.
The thing with the Night Fae is you either LOVE it or you HATE it. I love it. Fairies, sparkles, cute animal forms, an emotional storyline revolving around Ysera, it's totally my thing. But a lot of my guildies spent the entirety of their time doing the NF portion of the questline complaining about it lol.
Hot Take: people wouldn’t have hated shadowlands nearly as much, and maybe even loved it, if the patches came out faster
Hot take: wow is a really difficult game for new players, not only because the devs make it difficult but also because the community is not open to help the new generation.
I’ve been stuck with NF for DPS. The story is meh, but I will say if you have been in the zone at night when it rains, it’s the best looking zone they have ever designed.
I played Shadowlands maybe 8 hours a week on average with a peak during 9.0 and now 9.2.5 but imo Shadowlands was a 7/10. I didn't agree with every lore decision but you were never going to make everyone happy but I was satisfied. It feels like a patch was cut like in WoD. As far as the game is concerned I really enjoyed 9.0 and had high hopes for the xpac. Korthia and 9.1 killed my momentum and fun so I went back to the Xbox in my free time. 9.2.5 has been fun but I'm looking forward to 10.0.
It’s funny how we can all see things differently. I like night fae and Venthyr zones the best. I hate the maw and Maldraxxus.