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What do you think of the May Trading Post items?
Looks like I’ll skip this whole month. Really average items
Wait, i remember there being staff, cape and hood with Gurdian of Tirisfal theme and missing models, they removed it?
that turtle just screams horde and i absloutely love it
Funny how tastes differ so much. Last month I liked a ton of the offerings that you said were a pass. But this month I think most of this stuff is pretty meh, just the dog and gun interest me mostly, though at 50 tender I suppose I’ll get that recolour of the lego cloak. Glad to see the mount is on the reward track because I missed the magenta last month since I didn’t have enough to buy it and had something else frozen already. Lol
KINCH? lol. Its CINCH yo ˈsinch lol. Sorry but kinch is definitely incorrect
I've liked each month, each has had things I wanted and didn't. Really enjoy the trading post glad they put this in.
I have wanted that arrakoa warglave for a long time.
You know a feature is great when you see this video and go, "Oh Trading Post reset in checks clock 10 minutes, yes!"
I’m REALLY hoping that turtle mount will fly with those jet packs.
Disappointing to see that Wing Sword turn into a Warglaive. Was advertised as a "Sword" in the bluepost.
This one is pretty meh, just like last months. Im just waiting on the Scarlet sets and Guldan staff.
Friendly reminder: regardless if u love or hate the stuff this month, be sure to fill the bar and claim ur turtle, otherwise u going to be behind on claiming ur Warden Armor.
And i dont want to see ppl bitch they cant get that shit the first month its available, u did it to urself
Honestly not much i want… which is oddly exciting because that means ill get my frozen item this month!
Underwhelming rewards…saving my tenders yet again.
I mean, I don't like the turtle mount initially but since I don't need to use my tender to add it to my collection, I'm probably gonna slowly grow to like it for my Pandaren. That robodog looks cute and I like Kvaldir set too. Also, if that glaive really is an Arakkoa weapon, that makes me really happy, I love the Arakkoa!
Mid month I think, give you a reason to save up your points IMO.
I don’t get it. Wow giving out mogs you don’t have to farm for. And all I see it people on the comments complaining like they suppose to give us ultra rare stuff every drop. The complaining of people is scary.
Trading post feels a bit underwhelming, idk
Looks like I’ll be buying my frozen item this month, which is fine, they can’t all be great months. The mount is absolutely awesome though
Wake me up when there is blue Ozzy Osbourne glasses.
White cloak? Saitama tmog incoming
confirmed. the turtle mount does NOT fly , AND it moves slower than a regular ground mount…
Am the i only one that has garbage on the trading post since it came out? It's just garbage transmog that no one uses and mounts that are ehh?
Suuuuper dry this month
I definitely need the doggo!
worst month so far
Wow another fucking turtle 🐢 woot….. 😒
Imo more traders tenders should be able to be obtained.
short and to the point. fantastic video. hope you make one every month for all eternity. 😀