M+20 Waycrest Manor Timed | MM Hunter POV | Shadowlands Pre-Patch 9.0

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Hey guys! Tyler here, and I’m happy to finally get some Pre-Patch M+ under my belt! This is our first timed 20 of the prepatch! Are you still doing M+?

Waycrest Manor 20
Tyrannical, Bolstering, Explosive & Awakened

Talents in this video: Master Marksman, Careful Aim, Natural Mending, Streamline, Posthaste, Lethal Shots & Volley

Azerite: 3 In the Rhymth, 2 Unerring Vision, 1 Focused Fire

Essences: Major – Condensed Life-Force, Minors – Lucid Dream, Vision of Perfection & Breath of the Dying

UPDATE: Alternate builds for Talents for Single Target:
Lethal Shots instead of Double Tap
Lock n’ Load instead of Calling the Shots

Alternate Talents for AOE:
Streamline instead of Steady Focus

BFA Retrospective: https://youtu.be/XYG3wY-ZMvA
Shadowlands Alpha Video: https://youtu.be/SMngDg3AHCE
Shadowlands Beta Video: https://youtu.be/k3yrlWvnN1Y

Azerite Traits: Unerring Vision (2 or 3), In The Rhythm (As many as possible), Focused Fire, Surging Shots, Ancient’s Bulwark

Secondarys: Overwhelming Power, Unstable Flames, Elemental Whirl

Defensive: Resounding Protection, Nature’s Salve, Duck & Cover (only 1)

Stat priority: Weapon Damage, Agility, Crit, Mastery, Vers, Haste

Single target (Raid): Major = Life Force Rank 3 from raid
Minor #1 = Vision of Perfection rank 3 from Hard mode mechagon
Minor #2 = Cauldron of Flame from rank 60 neck
Minor #3 = Breath of the Dying from Uldum quests/Visions

Multi target (M+): Major = Focusing Iris from M+ weekly chests
Minor #1 = Vision of Perfection rank 3 for Hard mode Mechagon
Minor #2 = Cauldron of Flame or Conflict & Strife from pvp
Minor #3 = Breath of the Dying from Uldum quests/Visions

Addons: WeakAuras, DBM, Quartz, Bartender, Classmods, Titanpanel

Patch Notes for 9.0: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23529209/shadowlands-pre-expansion-patch-notes

Bosses to coin: N/A

Setting up addons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX00apZl0p8&t=288s

Click here to subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQdjte1daphveVsdGXUKWVA

Icy-Veins Guide: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/marksmanship-hunter-pve-dps-guide

Thanks for watching and enjoy!

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#MPlus #MMHunter #Shadowlands

Music: Track: Diamond Eyes – Everything [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/_XspQUK22-U
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/EverythingYO


2 thoughts on “M+20 Waycrest Manor Timed | MM Hunter POV | Shadowlands Pre-Patch 9.0”

  1. Ive usually always mained windwalker but have grown to really like my marksman through bfa. Decided to main him for shadowlands and youve helped my dps so much! I still need to figure out how to nudge it up more tho heh

  2. What do u think about chimera shot, can't help but think we got robbed our 2 target spell since u have to sacrifice 2 rly good talents for one that's only usefull (not that much) in exactly 2T scenario, i saw there was a legendary that after consuming trick shot would launch 3 arcane/chimera shots which means 6T hit in case of chimera but that one got reworked which makes chimera shot barely usable in near future, hope they would make it baseline or even just make it a cd that would regen focus which would hlp our focus problem i wonder if there could be any major changes between prepatch and SL launch anyway nice vid


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