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Discussing the new Oracle Priest Hero Talents, Winding Slitherdrake customization from the Lunar Festival and how to get all the new cosmetics from Love is in the Air! Talking about World of Warcraft, The War Within news and more. This show includes discussion of the WoW news of the week and answering questions. If you have any questions that you’d like answered in a Saturday News, include the word ‘question’ and leave them as comments!
The Hero Talents blog post:
The What’s Next Blog Post:
my stream VoDs on Youtube –
My Twitch:
my non-gaming home videos are available to my $10 tier YouTube Members! take a look at
Patch 10.2.6 remains shrouded in secrecy! Blizzard has hinted at its arrival in March, but no details yet. Stay tuned for a PTR to test Season 4 content
0:00 – Lunar Festival Drake Armor
0:38 – Everything New from Love is In the Air
2:58 – 10.2.6 Remains Mysterious
4:06 – New Hero Talent Tree Reveals
7:24 – what I’ve been up to
7:59 – Never Enough Traders Tender
9:32 – Professions for Late Expansion
i did the valentines dungeon 3 times, nothing on my first, the dragon saddle on the 2nd and the rocket mount on the 3ed. all in im quite happy
Thank you for another great Saturday video.
I feel like alot of these hero talents just complicate rotations unnecessary.
Engineering is always a good profession (for a main), so many useful perks, and it carries over from expansion to expansion.
Yeah the mini game PI sounds bad. Like the fonts mini game rogues have with Echoing Reprimand. Annoying.
They should just change the new PI thing to match who you give it to and you get one relevant for you.. so if you cast on a Mage it gives them the Magic Dmg increase or on a tank it gives them more healing. Just seems like an easier thing to manage than having to cycle through.. and maybe you just always get the Magic Dmg increase?
Hazel said my name RIGHT!!! GLEE!!!
Do you think with them changing this farming for Love Is in the Air that the Love Is in the Air holiday is going to come to an end? It makes no sense to change something that they've been doing for nearly two decades that's worked perfectly
For a big achievement hunter, Mount collector and transmorg farmer like yourself how would a wow reset affect you? I .myself only do m plus and reset would not affect me in way, but I always wondered how a reset would affect a big collector
I adore the blizz art team, but in fairness they customize their holiday cosmetics SOO hard around that holiday that they are completely unuseable with other transmogs.
It's this weird double edged sword where the mogs are so on point that they are useless with anything else.
Priest one is garbage actually, it will just bring in weak auras…. the feather thing is terrible, nobody uses it for others it seasier to macro to your feet. Holy barley ever shields too so…. pointless.
I think if they keep it up at this rate The Trading Post will eventually become teh absolute bane of All The Things players ….. you can get 1k /month and occasionaly some bonus, and they add new stuff for like 5k every month.
And IMO that´s good, no, absolutely excellent. I mean no disrespect to our community, but WoW players in general need to become reacclimated to not being always able to get everything right now but having to become well adjusted adults again that are capable of choosing one for now one for later or simply accepting not being able to get something and moving on with their life.
For ex. When I look at all the hullabaloo on the forums and people whining about not having their Lego yet (despite some only ever having done 2-3-4-5 LFR runs) and bashing Blizzard as being incompetent just because they feel entitled to already have it, I can´t help but think that these people would have all collectively unalived themselves if they were faced with a Shadowmourne or Tarecgosa style quest that required your entire raid group to agree on who gets it first and know for a fact that not all of your 6 Rets, 3 DKs, and 2 Furys will actually get it before the season ends…
TBH I´d actually much prefer tha… I mean, lets be honest, half or more of these players are FOTM rerollers who played Evokers last season and coudln´t care less abou8t actually using teh item but are only doing it for the orange loo. And they will inevitably whine about how expensive the acquisition is when they do get it, only to mothball the char immediately after and reroll to whatever is at the top of the current M+ meta for their 5 mob pulls in +6 keys . 😉
The Dev interview about Oracle really showed that they thought just because it sounds like a cool idea the community is gonna like it.
But as you mentioned Players imagination is greater than the devs and apparently the Playerbase also thinks more about gameplay implications of new spells and talents than the devs 😂
Duuuude… As a priest main… The time it would take to select an option is dangerous when healing, not to mention how macroing will work with picking one of 3 people every time. Urgh.
Great video as always!
Question: Do you think at this point it would be better/more fun for the game/gamers if instead of reworking talent system every expansion, or focusing on complex systems like Shadowlands renown, they would stuck with what they cooked before, and focus on more new dungeons, raids + mini raids, solo content (like mage tower) and balancing?
I'm loveee your new hair ❤😊
Oracle Priest looks giga trash
Easy to buy everything else if you can 14 days those 60 characters of level 70 trying to get heartbreaker. You should be able to buy everything under 100 tokens. Blizzard says they don't want people to make alts but they designed game where nothing drops unless you have maximum allowed amount of maxed alts.
It sounds bad to me too Hazel!! Micromanaging this stuff sounds extremely tedious and very unfun!!!
Question- I have not enjoyed Dragonflight as much as other expansions, but I do love the Little Scales Daycare quests and pets. I recently discovered a whelp for sale in the gear shop which I bought immediately of course. Over the years I have noticed you have quite a few behind you-where did you get all your whelps from and which do you have? Miss your baking shows! Thanks!
That oracle buff sounds as bad as the paladin /Ardenweald ability from Shadowlands. Their theme was based on seasons and you had to cycle till you got the buff you wanted…it sucked.