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World of Warcrafts 20th Anniversary Event is starting up soon, and it will give us a whole bunch of new rewards to chase after, and new content to take part in. This video goes over everything there will be to do in the event, all of the rewards on offer and how you can get them.
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Timestamps –
0:00 – Everything To Do in WoWs 20th Anniversary Event
0:51 – Event release date
2:09 – 20% rep & exp buff
2:58 – Huge leveling and rep farming potential
3:31 – The most important new currency
3:43 – New transmogs & rewards to collect
6:40 – How to get bronze tokens
7:06 – Mount competition
7:57 – Transmog competition
8:33 – Story time event
8:46 – Extra fun things
9:30 – Special token achievement
9:58 – Codex of Chromie scenario
10:43 – So many world bosses
11:57 – Blackrock Depths Event Raid
13:23 – Classic timewalking & new vendor rewards
15:34 – Korraks revenge returns
15:54 – Changes to dornogal weekly quests
16:16 – Overview & bronze token farming
17:23 – Warcraft 3 icon inspired back pieces
17:43 – Titles galore
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16:36 no obsidian world breaker mount?
I'm glad the event is so long, especially during this time of the year when holidays start pouring in and not everyone has time to play all the time.
I started a brand new account cuz i dont have my old one anymore and started from scratch just for this event XD
I do not understand the people crying that other people might be able to enjoy things…😂
Any indication on leveling opportunities for any sub-80 toons?
I kind of wanted to come back for the 20th but this sounds like a full time job, which I already have plus I'm taking classes.
While the remastered T2 sets look cool, I'd really like to see Blizzard remove the Holiday limits on alot of the Cosmetic transmog stuff like Brewfest, alot of those look great but we can only use them for like a week or two before they're gone again until next year. At this point there's no reason to have a holiday requirement to transmog them.
there is 2 discount achievements according to wowhead
Do we know if the Timewalking raid will also come with a weekly awarding a 610 iL piece and some badges like Black Temple/UIduar or did they convert the rewards to the quest you showed in the video? Thanks for all of the information!!!!
I think u missed the most important part, where is it??? If i dont know WHERE the event is taking place that makes it challenging to do the events. Sure i can look it up, but if the video is designed to help summarize for us, then its not doing that.
not to compare but much better than mrgms video. thanks.
Great guide, thank you! I’ve been playing this game for 20 years and that hardly seems possible 😂
A lot of things to do … can;t wait for that judgment tier
They legit made a mount off competition…somebody better tell Asmon!
guys raise awareness for the Shaman Chains on skirt and chest to be remodeled into 3d. TWW S1 shaman and other classes have got real chains and even the T2 Paladin rework has chains why doesnt shaman get chains also ?
The Tier 2 sets are all amazing, the ONLY thing I could hope for is a few different coloured versions as well. A red and black Ten Storms, a dark green Dragon Stalker etc
Death knight one is kind of lame, but the rest look cool.
Monk set FTW
Are weekly quests warbound or I can farm celebration tokens on multiple characters?
Nice review really tempts me to hop back on the game
im very happy to see updated transmog textures. Mog is undeniably one of the top features wow has to offer and it was always disappointing to see outdated textures becoming available during a special/unique event. I am always a huge supporter of limited time items, even if it promotes FOMO, that's kind of the point. 20th anniversary is a huge milestone, it should be treated as such.
Good thing i got over 35k time badges xD.
i strongly believe, that the "creative" team has no clue how to do demon hunter sets. they are very politely said "awful"
They should have added the T2 sets as replacement and then put T1 in the celebration pack, updating all existing sets to T2 rather than making them limited time exclusive only items that people will never be able to get again.
They're making us grind for weeks to get the T2 updated visual on armours when they should have been replacements for existing models, just like the Lovely Dress from valentines day needs a texture update but they ignore it and will probably give us "T2" versions of that some day that require weeks more of grinding and being lucky enough to have freetime for the event.
Nothing like some good old fashioned "Trial of Style" discrimination where society's toxic elements are shown in Tmog competitions where people either join with friends to cheat or avoid voting on select people regardless of their mog.
They do this by joining the queue for Trial of Style in groups of 2 or more players to manipulate their odds and the same thing will happen with guilds during the anniversary event, where people will be hopping realms and instances with their guilds, abusing the "everyone joins the group/raid leader's instance" mechanic to exploit a win, similar to what we see in groups taking turns to win at Brewmaster games, as they are more dependant on winning compared to the likes of Darkmoon Faire.
Clearly the troll in the replies has never played the game to understand how much of an issue this is, because Blizzard undoubtedly won't stop people from participating if they're in a raid group for example, or grouped up at all. It should be solo entrants with random people ONLY.
cant wait to see how the death knight tier 2 looks. no way they would cheap out and not make new sets for the classes that werent in the game…. right?
Judgement BIS
Why does the demon hunter armor set not look like a demon hunter set…
As a NON-Blizzard Employee, I HATE they're giving "employee only" stuff to us. Like wtf, that's not for us! What a way to take away from the people actually working for the company