Everything World of Warcraft w/ Venruki – The PoddyC Ep. 14

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Howdy Folks! Welcome to Episode 14 of The PoddyC In this episode Dratnos, Maximum & Special guest Venruki, have a talk about this weeks AWC, Liquid & Echo competing, The Current state of PVP, Classic PVP, SoD PvP and so much more! Hope you enjoy!

Thank you to Venruki for coming on!
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/@Venruki
Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/venruki
Twitter – https://www.twitter.com/ElliottVenczel

Hope you enjoy todays episode “Everything World Of Warcraft w/ venruki”!

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Produced & Edited by
Fronk: https://twitter.com/aceanfronk

0:00 – An Incredibly Awkward Intro
0:51 – AWC this Weekend
5:17 – Ping issues During AWC
10:55 – Viewership kinda Popped off
12:43 – Season 3 Is Kinda just popping off?
13:30 – Venruki’s Experience with M+
14:05 – Current PvP Balancing
15:54 – PvP Solo Queue
17:45 – Solo Shuffle Promoting New Comps
19:13 – Dampening & Why It’s Hard to Balance
22:05 – Are Defensives in PvP an Issue
25:42 – New Talent Trees
30:13 – Venruki’s PvE Experience
31:24 – Doing Keys while Streaming
33:16 – Making Everything for Everybody (Mythic Tuning)
38:03 – What if Mythic Didn’t Reward Gear
41:21 – Grinding for Power vs Having it
42:22 – Skill Based Matchmaking
43:42 – Being a Casual
45:56 – When Did Venruki have the Most Fun PvPing
47:03 – Tuning in Dragonflight
47:54 – Shadowlands PvPers SLAUGHTERING PvErs
49:15 – Being Motivated to do Stuff
50:58 – Grinding The Same Dungeon Every Season
51:28 – Do the Children Long for the Mines? (AP)
53:11 – World PvP Gear in Week 1 of Season 3
54:30 – PvP Needs an Update to Rewards
55:06 – How Does PvP Gearing Work?
56:14 – Character Progression in PvP
58:50 – Venruki Swears on the Podcast
59:40 – CC’s in PvP
1:00:30 – Venruki’s Shower Thoughts
1:01:50 – Getting People into PvP
1:04:28 – WoW is in a Weird Spot Defensively
1:08:54 – PvP and PvE Feels like Seperate Games (How to Fix That?)
1:11:13 – Max has a Theory
1:13:30 – Classic WoW
1:15:02 – Constantly Changing vs Fixed Meta
1:15:47 – Maximum on Classic
1:16:51 – Classic CONSPIRACY Theory
1:18:49 – WoW Was the STAR of Blizzcon
1:21:07 – Outro

Handsome canadian on the television
#Dragonflight #ThePoddyC #podcast


39 thoughts on “Everything World of Warcraft w/ Venruki – The PoddyC Ep. 14”

  1. 1:11:50 – as an old boomer thats been playing since 2004 beta, 100% correct. There was no game like WoW and especially the PvP. Dark Ages of Camelot had a Realm v Realm mode that was epic too but that was already outdated by the time WoW came out.

    And shortly after that, talking about retail > classic/SoD/etc because you prefer new experiences – I feel the same. I'm doing/done most of the re-released stuff once (including each raid) purely for nostalgia but after that I'm done lol. That being said, enjoying SoD a ton and super excited for whats coming because theres a lot of new stuff (and having viable off-spec classes is huge).

  2. Love seeing the legend Venruki on the pod! Refreshing to hear pvp & pve players talk with each other about the hot topics like added abilities, gearing, defensives, etc. Can only make the game better

  3. Would something like a "competition mode" be able to solve some of the RWF issues?

    In Destiny 2 they cap player power during the initial push to ensure things like gear farming aren't as necessary to compete.

    Maybe not by capping gear necessarily, but by trying to make the RWF its own level of difficulty thats more of an "opt in" approach.

  4. I think with the grind thing people are up and ready to play the game when it comes out. They took time off or are just hyped in general for NEW stuff. Kinda a waste to not have the actual grind ready to go.

  5. Tuning raid difficulty so that a world first race between less than 0.1 % of the player base can compete is insane. If they want a race like that , set up a tournament realm where it's all dialed up. Mythic should be hard yes , but they need to look at difficulty scaling , fix the DR issue with classes so that one shot mechanic's aren't required and tune mythic raiding for the couple of thousands of guilds that do it (not the top 100).

  6. Max, I would love to hear your take on a Raid+ system for mythic raid? Maybe myhric raid exists and is similar to a mid patch version of the game, but the you have Raid+ that is pure bragging rights.

    I'm thinking that it goes 1-2% up / tier, you DONT have to progress the tiers but instead can just slam L10 directly. And L8-10 is basically this patch Mythic raid.

    Limit and echo keeps their content. World first still a thing. But now more people can experience the Mythic tactics of raid, and it is more mindful of people that have less skill/time to commit.

  7. Let's be real here. Cross region was great but the ping was clearly a major issue. And I don't get how anyone can say otherwise when Liquid won 0 games against Echo on EU ping and only 1 game the entire tournament (against Lava Lava). The ping obviously had a HUGE impact when the second place team can only win with the ping advantage. Obviously the Liquid players were trying to downplay the issue when they had the advantage. I doubt they would have stayed calm had it been the other way around. It's just so dishonest. Also being number 1 seed should earn you an advantage, but this one was clearly way too strong. Especially not when winning the NA region is 10x easier than winning the EU region.

  8. About the skilled based matchmaking thing, I just saw something about the halo 3(maybe 2?) mmr earlier today and I think everyone should do it that way. Pretty much your hidden mmr is still there, but they have a set range to match you with both above and below, and they try to balance out the games you have. So you play a game against people a bit worse, then next game you play against people a bit better, then game 3 you have the hyper competitive game. I think if more games did this rather than just "every game is hyper competitive, good luck" it would be a lot more accepted

  9. I would not agree people do PvE just for power.. You could get most powerful about moment you start reaching first M+20..
    Many are pushing for ALL M+20 for portals .. if there was something close, like transmog for ~all 22, a lot would push further.
    There is major drop off at 20, not because no power, just because the "next thing" is very far away.

    My guild raid just HC exactly for Mounts and Achivs .. then 70% drops off for rest of the season. The rest do some minor pugs but mostly go for all 20s. Ofc gear helps and is cool to flex on meter – but the end goal is getting all 20s.
    Only then motivation falls of.


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