Everything You Need To Know For WoW REMIX: Mists of Pandaria! Fast Leveling, New Cosmetics, And More

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WoW REMIX: MoP is releasing later today! Hope all of you are as excited as I am!

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Armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/illidan/dalaranxp
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Outlaw Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Assassination Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Subtlety Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:

ADDONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrABg_GvOcI


0:00 Everything You Need To Know For Remix: Mists of Pandaria
1:10 What Is Mists of Pandaria Remix?
1:39 Making a New Timerunning Character
3:02 Leveling In MoP Remix
5:02 Bronze – A New Timerunning Currency
5:45 Gearing And Ability Gems In MoP Remix
10:03 Achievements In MoP Remix
10:38 Visit The Bazaar For Mounts and Cosmetics


22 thoughts on “Everything You Need To Know For WoW REMIX: Mists of Pandaria! Fast Leveling, New Cosmetics, And More”

  1. Great video as always ! But i have a question… As it been said if a character lvled like this can do the ancestory armor quest once they are transfered in the war within ?

  2. looking forward to doing the raids, didn't play during MoP. the dev interviews made it sound like there's gonna be tons of bronze awarded from everything so shouldn't be hard to get all the mounts

  3. Still can’t figure out what class I want to play 20 minutes before release lol. As a DH main I have very little reason to play DH. So imma be stuck at the character creation screen for a solid hour or three.

  4. The cloak is different. It's not account-wide. You get achievements for reaching certain cloak power, and those achievements give alts a boost on their cloak, but DOES NOT give the exact stats as your main.

  5. is this a good chance to make some alts for the mainaccount? For Mountfarming? I only have warrior since 35 years and dont wanna play other class so can i lvl 14 warriors faster then now in retail normal way?


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