Feral druid trying to convince you to invite them #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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50 thoughts on “Feral druid trying to convince you to invite them #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. okay this is hilarious. tho normaly if you get a feral druid in a group they are either an absolute unit that does like all of the dps or they are absolute trash doing less dps than healer xD literally never seen an exception to this rule in like the past 10 years or so

  2. Man, I'm really starting to feel bad for DPS, it contains the best and worst of the players. But Ive met some absolute UNITS lately that kill things so fast I barely need to heal and can throw in some DPS too.

  3. People brain dead only playing DH dk and mages…can never understand the life of a druid …..
    Most of them never played vanilla druids..

    Healing: mediocre
    Tanking: questionable
    Dps: we have 20 mages in raid already
    Only good for one single buff

    Paladins:….. I can relate…..😢😢😢
    TBC :
    LF druids tanks, Paladins only Kara 10!!
    Mages left in the dust
    Mid TBC:

    LF SPriests, with 2k++ Arena full set( if you know you know) Maggy/Kazzak

    Past TBC

    LF rogues…of any kind really doing anything regardless…


    LF people 30+ years old no kids


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