okay this is hilarious. tho normaly if you get a feral druid in a group they are either an absolute unit that does like all of the dps or they are absolute trash doing less dps than healer xD literally never seen an exception to this rule in like the past 10 years or so
Man, I'm really starting to feel bad for DPS, it contains the best and worst of the players. But Ive met some absolute UNITS lately that kill things so fast I barely need to heal and can throw in some DPS too.
every feral that ever pugged in my group was always carrying. i dont see where the hate comes from unless its from nerds who obsesses with meta builds in a 10
See feral in M+: eh ok
See feral in pvp: ok someone is gonna get murdered
Feral is so much fun.
I've played it last Addon.
If the trash lived long,
I did ao much damage through my DOTS.
Just say it's an emotional support animal =)
The cat sounds like that Kid Can I pet that dog buts its a bear
man you make me laugh hard
Love this one!!!❤❤❤❤❤ Feral druid is so much fun!!! ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Why not, unless you're dogshit and can't complete anything unless you have to be a meta slave, that's on you 🙂 l2p
Then we swap to bear and suddenly everyone wants you in mythic, sigh… at least we have choice
Give me a fluffy cat form transmog plz
"Enhance, ele and resto are all very good rn? Lets nerf feral druid."
Kitty was top DPS for so long, it's okay to not be meta for a bit…. fury warrior go brbrbrbrbrr
Asking for pi 😂
Me, waiting in the dps queue for a team to carry my button-mashing.
okay this is hilarious. tho normaly if you get a feral druid in a group they are either an absolute unit that does like all of the dps or they are absolute trash doing less dps than healer xD literally never seen an exception to this rule in like the past 10 years or so
Okay, next time I go cat on my druid I'll spam "I go meow"
A what?
I'm sorry. Your DPS is .876 lower than the meta and I suck and need others to carry me.
what's that feral dps doing out the stable. smh…
If you cant balance your game add more mechanics!
And rolling for everything offspec for ALL of their forms. Nope thanks.
Sweet Cat Mi mi mi is Nice DPS or Support the Groupp^^
Petition to change black panther to cute cat form….100% acceptance rate…problem solved
Man, I'm really starting to feel bad for DPS, it contains the best and worst of the players. But Ive met some absolute UNITS lately that kill things so fast I barely need to heal and can throw in some DPS too.
every feral that ever pugged in my group was always carrying. i dont see where the hate comes from unless its from nerds who obsesses with meta builds in a 10
Hmm compelling argument sir. Please elaborate.
Lol poor furries
Idk i was running a mythic yesterday with some dude named KittyMaster and he was pulling numbers
He can come!
Roll a tank or ret pally if you wanna dps
R.I.P. Kala
R.I.P. feral
This was such bullshit in classic era. Also R.I.P.
Funny how feral is insanely busted in pvp
I welcome our feral friends to any group. MotW, CR, decent dmg, overall not too bad.
RIP keekat we will miss your song
Feral is so broken RN. Been playing that class since ‘04 and had to come to the conclusion that once again, the devs hate us
am i weird for letting this run in an infint loop while i grind shit in D4? XD
Give him a poverty epic to play with ya big meanie.
Feral is absolutely broken in PvP right now. Is it not in PvE?
… The whispers that first week were insane
The gods of PVP rn. Everyone and their cat is playing it.
Nerf Feral 😂
People brain dead only playing DH dk and mages…can never understand the life of a druid …..
Most of them never played vanilla druids..
Healing: mediocre
Tanking: questionable
Dps: we have 20 mages in raid already
Only good for one single buff
Paladins:….. I can relate…..😢😢😢
LF druids tanks, Paladins only Kara 10!!
Mages left in the dust
Mid TBC:
LF SPriests, with 2k++ Arena full set( if you know you know) Maggy/Kazzak
Past TBC
LF rogues…of any kind really doing anything regardless…
LF people 30+ years old no kids
"Frost DK's are kinda OP, Let's nerf Feral"
Blizzard should just combine balance and feral into a single spec. With int as the primary stat. Maybe make cat/moonkin weaving a thing.
Im so lucky to have a guild of people who enjoy bringing my main of 15 yrs little catto
Rip little buddy
Love you Cala <3 🙁