Filmmaker REACTS to World of Warcraft Cinematics | Experts React

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Filmmaker William Rouse is back to take a look at the most beloved World of Warcraft cinematics. From the awakening of Arthas from Wrath of the Lich King to Varian’s epic landing to the Broken Shore from Legion. He will then discover the Lordaeron Battle from Battle for Azeroth, Sylvanas fight against Bolvar from Shadowlands, and finishing with the rebellion of Grommash and his Iron Horde.
For years, people have been craving for Blizzard to make a full CGI movie on WoW, since everyone will agree that each one of their cinematic, regardless of the expansion’s quality, is a 5-minute masterpiece that will be rewatched for years to come.
But how well crafter are those cutscenes in terms of cinematography?
The camera movement, the lighting, the choice of colors, the music, all contribute to WoW’s storytelling, and William is gonna analyze all of these details with you.
Let’s head back to Azeroth for this episode, and see what our expert will have to say about these epic cinematics.

World of Warcraft takes place in a 3D representation of the Warcraft universe that players can interact with through their characters. The game world initially consisted of the two continents in Azeroth: Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Four separate expansions later added to the game’s playable area the realms of Outland and Draenor and the continents of Northrend and Pandaria. As a player explores new locations, different routes and means of transportation become available. Players can access “flight masters” in newly discovered locations to fly to previously discovered locations in other parts of the world. Players can also use boats, zeppelins, or portals to move from one continent to another.
Willam’s Instagram:
0:00 – Introduction
0:43 – Wrath of the Lich King
2:45 – Legion
5:05 – Battle for Azeroth
7:38 – Shadowlands
10:02 – Warlords of Draenor
12:18 – Conclusion
Check out some of our past videos!

Filmmaker REACTS to The Last Of Us Part II | Experts React–WvwIo-Q

Experts Playlist:
Thanks to PlayStation for the Gameplay
Up In My Jam (All of A Sudden) by – Kubbi Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported- CC bY-SA 3.0 Free Download/Stream:
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36 thoughts on “Filmmaker REACTS to World of Warcraft Cinematics | Experts React”

  1. Wrath of the lich king cinematic is so amazing they sold it off with the perfect animations, music and graphics.
    But also during the scene with the greenish glowing drink, it's indeed an good way to use it for evil as a way of representing "corruption"

  2. so no classic, no tbc and warlords is after shadowlands.

    ngl you're talking to us like no one knows anyone in these cinematics.
    you aren't thinking about the fact we've been interacting with these characters for 10+ years at the point of these cinematics coming out.. lol we're really famimilar with them all. So when you're talking about how we don't know who Anduin is, we don't know if he's good or evil. We relate to him because he's a human rather than the orcs (pretty sure horde has a higher playerbase than alliance) so it's just cringe af lol
    These aren't 'new' characters. these are characters that have been developing for 20+ years. When you saw a new trailer for a GoT season, when there was an old character in there for the first time in that trailer, even though they were in previous seasons, do you see them as new characters?
    No you don't lol

  3. You should have listened to the music and the speech.
    WAOW I never realized that the Moon was glowing on the stairs at Icecrown Citadel as Lady Sylvanas was walking up, holy crap, she was blessed by Elune for the job.:D


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