Filmmaker Reacts: World of Warcraft – Afterlives Revendreth

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22 thoughts on “Filmmaker Reacts: World of Warcraft – Afterlives Revendreth”

  1. The existence of Revendreth implies that, had Uther and Devos not intervened, Arthas would have had a chance at redemption. Whether or not Arthas would have achieved redemption is debatable at best, but he would have had a chance regardless. And Uther denied him that chance. Shadowlands does not have a very good story, but it’s still got some great story beats.

  2. You have several different powers in the WoW universe: Death, Life, Light, Shadow, Fel, Arcane, etc. Suffice it to say, there was an incursion from Light into Revendreth, which is primarily Shadow, and so that region of that realm is "blighted" by Light.

  3. Revendreth is not ‘heck’ but Purgatory. It recovered redeemable souls and purified them through suffering, eventually adopting them into its society so they could help others. The failures, however, were despatched to the Maw.
    Sire Denathrius is a wonderfully prideful character quite unfit to rule it and wholly responsible for the change in its mission. He’s also a prince of lies, so I’m still not certain whether the in-game information we received about him is 100% trustworthy…

  4. The issue with all the droughts in the shadowland zones is bc when dead souls are judged they go to the different zones by the Arbitor… these souls are what give the anima to the people who maintain the zones. Well for some reason not to spoil the souls are being cut off to all the realms snd they are experiencing droughts of anima to sustain themselves.

  5. Besides Garrosh there's one more important soul residing in Revendreth – king Kael'thas of Sin'dorei. He played a major role in the original RTS games and Burning Crusade. I don't think he is in any of the SL cinematics, but there are quite a few quests with him in game

  6. Thank you so much for your videos Philip! I have been so enthralled by your reactions – they are wonderful … the insight into cinematography, the enthusiasm and your energy is so infections and truly so wonderful to watch! 😃🤜

  7. "is this hell??"

    Me: no… THIS is Revendreth, where vile souls go to seek redemption for the atrocities they committed in life. if they successfully atone, they can become a part of those living there… if they fail… THEN they are sent to The Maw, WoW's Hell as it especially was for the players…


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