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4:24 the power of the light
Typical pally nonsense,performing a mass rez in the middle of combat
The animation for Anduin's heal / ressurection in this cinematic has always blown me away. Blizzard animates magic the best of any studio I have ever seen.
Anduin cheated – pulled a mass battle rez in combat. Haxor. But as an undead, go ahead and b-rez them all – it'll be just as fun killing them a second time.
You definitely need to watch the in game cinematics for this fight, especially when Jaina shows up with her father's ship. It is so epic. Also watch the realistic cinematic for Anduin and Saurfang.
What is his power? Anduin's a priest, despite him walking around in plate. They've really coded him almost a paladin in the last few expansions, but he's well versed in wielding both the Light and the Void. The spell you saw him use was Mass Resurrection (tho he's special, he can use it in combat, apparently, XD)
Your reactions to these cinematics have been wild, great to see and listen to 😀
So the young troll was called Zappy boi after this trailer dropped, lol, but he does have a name (Zekhan) and is in more of the cinematics.
Will you be doing the Shadowlands cinematics?
BfA for me is the favorite expansion as art and zone wise and at the same time the worst system and contents. I did hate my class so much. 🙁
Cannot wait for you to meet Stoney Tony
Sylvanas smiles at the end because we don't know it yet, but she's working for the big bad down in the shadow lands. So the more deaths there are the more power her allies down there gain.
Anduin is really a priest. He is trying to lead his people like his father did, like a warrior. Realizing that he cant, and it is not who he actually is, calls on the light to mass resurrection/heal his people.
This is the one I was waiting for. I was at BlizzCon during this cinematic unveiling and we all went INSANE when Sylvanas did her thing.
BFA had some amazing cinematics!
Anduin is/was a priest, thats why in the war within said "I'm not that person anymore…i had no light" for the events in next shadowlands content, he was a light user but lost the faith
That 100% is Zappy Boi.
too bad they moved away from war part of Warcraft.. now it's family… friend ship.. hand holding craft.. 🙁
Anduin is a priest
Great reacts to the WoW cinematics. I sincerely appreciate your in depth explanations/feedback to the look, style and lore. You said certain things that had me change my whole perspective on how I viewed this and previous cinematics. Job well done! And you have an awesome way cry my friend, "FOR THE HORDE"! Keep up the good work.
I love watching you react. It's the love all the rest of us feel and it's so cool. I can't miss this stuff. And yes, I'm Alliance, Anduin is my King. Love that character (and Wrathion as well is a favorite). But, mass honor for Thrall, Saurfang, and actually Sylvanas if she gets her guano together.
This cinematic is a bit disjointed, Sylanus started the war just to feed souls to the maw, not for some noble reason, so her monologue is completely out of place.
Canonically, Anduin has been raised to be a strong King, Varian instilled in him courage and strength when it comes to ruling, but Anduin always had a more peaceful side, where his father Varian saw war or conflict as the solution, Anduin saw a diplomatic solution through peace, so he was trained as a priest of the Light and Varian finally realized that Anduin’s perspective and experiences throughout his young years, even after being broken(literally, physically broken by Carrosh Hellscream)… Anduin always opted for peace… tragically Varian came to that realization very shortly before his honorable sacrifice and death. So since legion, Anduin has begun to delve deeper into the martial aspects of ruling, having to lead armies, develop tactics and make strategies, as well as proper martial training, though he’s not as adept in martial training as his father ever was, by a long shot… so, because of this sudden clash of worlds, Anduin has become some sort of a hybrid class between a Paladin and a Priest, wearing heavy armor, wielding Shalamayne and casting priest light spells and mass-healing his troops on the battlefield. I, as someone who mains a Paladin… I’m waiting for the day Anduin fully transitions into a fully fledged Paladin!! Lol
Thrall has a similar class hybridization between a Shaman and a Warrior.
Waited for this Video so desperately, but it felt like you prewatched it. Made me really sad. 🙁
excellent reaction! Hopefully you watch Sylvanas versus Saurfang in the "Reckoning" cinematic
Love that cinematic. It's the best that they had ever made. <3
This was, lore wise, at a time where Sylvanas was considered an Usurper to the war chief title. So for her to risk her life and scream "for the horde" was huge for her soldiers.
Did he continue watching the Overwatch Animated Shorts? I only could find the „Zero Hour“, „Dragons“ and „Reunion“.
If you are still looking for new cinematic to react to I’d highly recommend checking out the other Overwatch Shorts. One of my favourites would be „Honor and Glory“.
did he watch the Stormheim Cinematic?
i dont know,hu made our most loved lady ,shitiest game character ever,is this man who made her stupid story in prison?
I think you're the first one I've heard really acknowledge Sylvanas subtle little smirk of approval in the end. There's just that subtle hint of respect on her face, despite her usual stone-faced self. Just before the scene cuts, her left side of her mouth is clearly raised a bit in a smirk. You might need to use frame-by-frame to really catch it though.
Love it.
You have to watch 'Reckoning'
It is the finale of the WoW Battle For Azeroth Expansion and is in my opinion the best cinematic done by the WoW Team.
Awesome reaction bro. Can't wait for the next ones…omg the hype haha…
you should hear Sylvanas hallow's end speech.. I miss my Dark lady 🙁
The expansion itself ended up almost killing the game, but Sylvanas going banshee mode in this was one of the greatest moments they’ve ever done in their cinematics.