Filmmaker Reacts: World of Warcraft – Dragonflight Cinematic

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World of Warcraft Dragonflight Cinematic reaction! Subscribe for more and join my discord to chat with the community!

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45 thoughts on “Filmmaker Reacts: World of Warcraft – Dragonflight Cinematic”

  1. I am so happy you finally got to this one, Phil! The voice is Alexstrasza, the Dragon Queen I keep saying Aliya would rock a Cosplay of in her mortal Visage. But then Sindragosa would be another your Lady would absolutely crush. So happy that you loved the stoic wordless Watcher Koranos heroic part in the awakening of the Dragon isles. Because I really felt his plight of losing his allies and still pushing that aside to complete his duty at risk of his life so deeply. Even as he fell, I was thinking, No one may ever know his sacrifice. Been so happy to be a part of your journey and looking forward to what is to come! No matter what you do in game. I will be standing there, judging your Transmog. =D

  2. Forget the Horde and Alliance, Arthas and the scourge, Sargeras and the Legion – My favourite part of Warcraft Lore is the Dragonflights. To make any sense of what is to come, you need to know what came before, unlike Shadowlands. In a way, other than certain characters backstories, you didnt need to know a thing about Shadowlands for it to tell the story, it was a Standalone in a way.

    The Dragons go way back, you need to know about Deathwing, the sundering, The Dragon Soul, the blessing of Nordrassil, The Emerald Dream. It is certainly a loregasm.

  3. You noted that they look human, and that’s because the watchers were inflicted with the curse of flesh by the old gods, which turned many of them into vrykul, who then evolved into humans over time.
    The watchers and all species descended from them are modeled after the Titans basically.

  4. love the Visual Storytelling of Koranos' struggle to complete his duty, so that the Dragons can return home, great use of "Show, Not Tell"… makes you wonder how in The Maw that they fumbled the Story in the last third. still, really good if not GREAT expansion, top 3 for me alongside Legion and Pandaria, they just need to not fumble with their upcoming Saga and WoW will be in a lot better shape. after all imagine having 2 BAD expansions for the first time, then coming back with 4 W expansions, that would be HUGE.

  5. Koranos is the name of the watcher who lived and climbed the tower to set the beacon. You'll see him referred to as 'Stony Tony' as well. The beacon calls the dragons home – before that they've 'forgotten' where it was as the beacon is dark until Koranos turns it back on.

  6. I think Dragonflight's a decent expansion. However, I dislike the cinematic for it more than any other. Well made, but this far into the warcraft experience, it was too disconnected for me.

  7. The one thing that's not super obvious from the cinematic is that the land is magically hidden. The dragons are waiting nearby, they know roughly where it is, but Koranos (the last Watcher remaining) needs to light the beacon or they cannot return home. That's why the music goes so triumphant as he ignites the beacon. Other comments have covered the relevant notes eg. Alexstrasza being the VO and rescuer.

    This is very much thematically the opening of a new era of Wow. It is the first story wholly under the new narrative team, a reboot after all the discrimination claims and leadership has reset, and arguably the prelude to the new Worldsoul Saga.

  8. This is by far my favourite expansion along with mists of pandaria, i like the "slow" beginnings and introduction to a new place and its problems rather than "heres big bad and hes very very big and bad and he will destroy the world like none of the other big bads before him managed to", that to say its less of a big punch in the face and you can take your time and enjoy whats to come before it gets burnt down 😅

  9. Lore: The voice is that dragon. Alexstrasza the Dragon Queen. The dragons left their homelands to fight the first Legion invasion. This ended in disaster for them and the world. Only now is power returning to the land. The beacon keeps the land shrouded. You can see the colors of the returning dragons, wielding power beyond the clouds to signal their return.

    The land is calling them home. The figure is a Watcher. A protecting construct created by the Titans that shaped Azeroth. Much of the architecture you see is theirs. The land is calling the dragons home. But they cannot enter until the watchers lower the shroud by activating the Beacon. And only this Watcher (dubbed Stony Tony by fans. Koranos) remains.

  10. One thing of note with this cinematic that is often undiscussed, but the three Watchers you see on the walk up, the dead ones, are missing their eyes, their mouth, and their ears (See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil). This is heavy-handed foreshadowing that their creators, the Titans, are being built up to being falsely benevolent gods. The Watchers and the Dragons ignored all the evil things they did, because they were told they were the good guys. The Titans are Order Incarnate, and the purest form of Order is absolute tyranny.

  11. The biggest gameplay thing they added was Dragon Riding, a new way of flying which is more dynamic and quite a bit faster and requires you to do more than just point in a direction and go forward. I was not at all convinced they were going to pull it off, but damned if they didn't just absolutely knock it out of the park. To the point where I never touched a flight point, beyond to open it, at any point during the expansion. And I think even they were surprised by how well it was receive and they have since added it into the old zones and "dynamic flying" is being added as an option come TWW so you can use other mounts. Dragon Riding might be one of the most successful new systems they've ever added. It's a triumph

  12. It is very Greek. I think it is easier to establish the role that the Titans play on Azeroth with Greek-like figures. The Titans show up a lot while you are playing the game but not in many cinematics or cut scenes. This small world of Azeroth has great importance to many beings in the universe. The Titans and Void Lords via the Old Gods have made the biggest moves to attain or control Azeroth. The Titans used dragons as their conduits. No one really knows what the Titans want though.

  13. In order to tie a lot of this together. In the opening scene during the "Golden age" as you described it. Take note of the legion green colouration of the event that is happening far out at sea. Queen Azshara tried to use the well of eternity to summon Sargeras (the fallen titan, leader of the burning legion) in to Azeroth. Malfurion Stormrage, Illidan Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind are all central characters in that storyline trying to stop her. Malfurions forces destroyed the well. The well imploded and caused "The sundering". A cataclysmic event that tore azeroth apart and turned it from being a pangea to the continents we know today (eastern kingdoms, kalimdor, northrend etc). The warbringers Azshara video that you watched a while back is essentially what you see happen far out at sea at the beginning of this video.

  14. This video definitely shows a new beginning, we come off another war between the Horde and Alliance, followed by the horrific events of Shadowlands, and now there is breath of peace. Dragonflight also added in very good game systems, like the new Dragonriding which makes flying mounts dynamic and a lot more fun, as well as gearing updates that are pretty much universally loved. I think you will very much love the story told through this xpac as well.

  15. To comment further on your reaction to Tony / Koranos and potentially why we dislike the Jailer so much: In this cinematic we see Tony standing guard, and taking up his duty again, and we feel so much sympathy and potential loss in a few minutes. We had villains like Arthas with his very long backstory that makes so much sense, and Sire Denathrius who is immediately pegged as slimy and selfish, and then we have the Jailer who apparently had no childhood and turns into a broken manequin in the end – did they forget to write his motivations?

  16. I'm so excited for you to experience the game! Prepare to be blown away by the depth and richness of the lore!! Dragonflight has been an amazing experience! Have fun and WELCOME to the community!!!!


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