Filmmaker Reacts: World of Warcraft – Shadowlands Cinematic

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33 thoughts on “Filmmaker Reacts: World of Warcraft – Shadowlands Cinematic”

  1. Sylvanas is using domination magic, which this expansion explains how she came into that power. It’s also what is used on Anduin and the source of him being broken/ptsd ridden in the War Within cinematic.

  2. without frostmourne Bolvar isn't much powerful than Arthas, he just took the helm to control remains of Scourge and put them dormant so to speak. He's their jailer somewhat. Frostmourne or his shards were reforged into Legion frost death knight artifact weapon. So yeah, player character has it.

  3. This is one of my favorite WoW Cinematics, and I've been looking forward to your reaction to this one since you started your journey. Your questions made me realize that the Helm of the Lich King is the Warcraft equivalent of the One Ring from Tolkien. It has a will of its own and strongly influences the wearer. Bolvar could only resist to a degree due to his body being consumed by Red Dragon's fire, which is the Flight of Life, the direct opposite to the Helm's power.

  4. Phil, did you know that Robin Williams was a big fan of WofW and played a lot. There's a place in the game for his remembrance/tribute on some small island. I forgot where but I'm sure someone here knows the location.

  5. @philipharts There is a short story for the Knights of the Ebon Blade that goes along with this Cinematic that you should read to help explain some of the ramifications. When Bolvar turns to blue fire he is accepting the power of the Helm of Domination to help him fight Sylv as he feared what she would do with it. His fear was so great that the power he had been denying for so many years he gave into but was still not enough. As for Frostmourne it was shattered by Tyrian with the Ashbringer when the Lich King was defeated at the end of the Wrath expansion. The shards of Frostmourne were then collected by Frost Death Knight players in Legion to reforge into there Artifact weapons.
    The short story is called SHADOWLANDS SHORT STORY: WE RIDE FORTH

  6. The Shadowlands historically was thought to be a shadowy version of our world as an afterlife , so when she shattered the veil and there was a “copy” of Icecrown it seemed like that is what we would see. However Blizz jacked it all up after that.

  7. Written in a short story we learn that after we kill Arthas, Sylvannas commits suicide – her vengeance finally complete. The Val'kyr try to stop her, but she ignores them twice until she finds herself in a cold dark place filled with fear, an endless void filled with anguish. Her miserable life has led to a miserable death. The Val'kyr offer her life again in exchange for tying themselves to her and she accepts and is brought to life in exchange for one of their number. We are about to learn she met something else while she was dead.

  8. As I understand it when he changes from red to blue he's embracing the power of the lich king.

    Also, it doesn't crack the sky. It destroys the barrier between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead.

  9. When you continue your Shadowland journey, don't forget to add every ingame cutscene or you won't understand much 🙂

    Seeing the others pre-lauch cinematics about the four houses could be amazing too

  10. Arthus is far more powerful than Bolvar, this is due to the fact that as a mortal Arthus was a more well renowned warrior, and as a Lich King he had Frostmourne which wasn't just a sword. It was the source of most of his power, containing hundreds if not thousands of souls that had been collected since the first Lich King's time. The moment the blade was shattered was the moment that Arthus met his end. The Helm of Domination allows its wearer to use the power of domination magic or at least an incomplete version of it, however it also inflicts it upon its wearer in an attempt to bend them to its will, or rather its creator's will.

    I would also strongly recommend watching Alfterlives Bastion to see the fate of Arthus after his defeat.

  11. If I had to guess, I'd say that Bolvar is nowhere near as powerful as Arthas was. My interpretation is that Bolvar wears the Helm of Domination to simply keep the Scourge (the undead army) in check. When he replaces his red fire with the blue that is him tapping into the power of the Helm whereas before we wasn't. Arthas had fully drunk the coolaid, so to speak. In fact, the only reason we fight him directly back in Wrath is because he allows us to get close, to test us. His final goal was to resurrect the players as the most powerful Scourge ever, and he does in fact kill us. Mechanically the fight ends when Arthas gets to 10% and he casts a spell called Fury of Frostmourne which one-shots everyone. It was only a miracle by the Paladin Tirion Fordring that allowed him to shatter Frostmourne while Arthas's back was turned, freeing our souls again.

  12. So Sylvanas was able to beat Bolvar because shes been juiced up by the Jailers power ever since the start of BFA. The Jailer is the guy who had the armor, helm and Frostmourne created that Arthas and later Bolvar wore, minus Frostmourne ofcourse for Bolvar. She burned the world tree in BFA to send all the souls to The Maw in the Shadowlands, which is basically WoW's version of Hell to help The Jailer escape the Maw

  13. Oh wow. I just started delving down the rabbit hole of your channel like, yesterday. Watching you progressively work through these trailers and cutscenes, watching you develop such heartfelt appreciation for them and the story they're telling without having any prior connection to the franchise, watching you so quickly pick up on the lore and story because you pay so much attention to all the wonderful little details. It's an absolute treat to watch this, man.

    And now you just happen to drop this reaction just as I start discovering you. What awesome timing, haha!

    I think I should warn you about something, though – Shadowlands is a notoriously bad expansion. Not just for the game itself being poorly executed, but even the story and lore seriously fell flat this time around. There are cool things in Shadowlands, and I do look forward to you watching the Afterlives series (this expansion's version of Lords of War, Warbringers, etc), but please do understand that some of the story here gets a little bit ridiculous to the point of not being able to be taken seriously anymore. Just wanted to let you know that in advance.

    Anyway, you've earned a subscriber in me, brother! I'm especially excited to check out your FFXIV trailer reactions; I've actually fully switched from WoW to FF and am a full-on FF fanboy now, so that's gonna be fun to see!

  14. As players we sort of knew, that "the veil" between life and death is thinnest near Icecrown Citadel. But visually, actually shattering the veil and what it would look like. Total suprise" Blew me away, when I saw it. We knew the Shadowlands existed as a sort of realm of death, but we knew almost nothing about it. Certainly not that there is a tower on the other side.


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