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Just so we are clear… I do actually love WOW and Hate wow and have been playing for years…but just my 2 cents. You can agree…or not…whatever works for you.
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In XIV we do have 3rd party-programs but it`s against TOS to advertise them or talk about them ingame. Technically it`s against TOS to use them but SE has no way of checking what happens on your end of the client.
As much as WoW has toxic Elitism XIV has toxic Casualism where people expect certain things to be catered to them, mostly based on how easy the big majority of the game is.
A common phrase that gets memed on a lot in that regard is "You don`t pay my sub", which translates to: don`t tell me what to do even if what I`m doing is hot garbage.
The major thing that XIV has going for it is that you can create your own endgame and all the old content is still relevant.
I remember doing The Stone Vigil as a sprout. Our tank pulled too much, our healer had a limited kit, we all stumbled. Then our tank DCed. What surprises me is, we spent the whole dungeon laughing, and busting out dance emotes waiting for the tank to reconnect.
Then I had a flashback to my noob days in Azeroth. The tank went off on the healer, I had no idea how needing and greeding worked, but nobody bothered to tell me when I asked. When I accidentally needed on a caster ring (I was a Rogue), I got dumped on by the group and I left embarrassed.
I loved most of my 14-years in Azeroth, but it feels like a relationship that ended. When you're out of it you can see a lot of the cracks you overlooked before.
I don’t want to watch new players ask questions just to get sarcastigaded by city chat. I don’t want to wipe and have half the party bail, but not before someone says, "Learn to play, you all suck!"
Not when I can join a vigil to Akira Toriyama, or see someone give a sprout a minion for no other reason than to welcome them to the game. (I love Eorzea.😊)
XIV is a lot more welcoming in my experience. There's occasionally that guy who gets kind of passive aggressive about damage, but they're few and far between. Most FCs I've seen are interested in building communities exactly like what you described, one where everyone's just kind of doing a bit of everything. It's a big part of why XIV has held my interest for years, meanwhile I can't bring myself to play WoW. The XIV community wants new players, and it wants them to feel wanted, as opposed to WoW where it's like this enclosed community and you have to prove yourself to them and hope that they deem you worthy of being among them.
I loved WoW when I was playing it. But it does sometimes feel like the feeling is not mutual. In SL especially, I feel like at that point, the game, the community and the devs actively hate me.
Very true, as a ffxiv player whos trying wow, i already know im not raiding because of the gatekeeping, ill just dick around and unlock mogs and mounts….fine by me 😂😂
the pve sucks in wow and the player base is toxic af.
Git gud, scrub 😛 Tbf it is true, unless you're really good it's hard to get in without previous exp. On the other hand you have so many sources to learn from nowadays, that there is no excuse not to do so. If you don't want to put effort just stay in your lane and do your thing.
There are damage meters in use in FFXIV yes.
But, the Devs sort of have this mindset when it comes to them:
" if you are using it to better yourself, or your group of friends, then ok. But if even a whisper comes out that you 'may' be using it to remove players from parties/raids, and there is enough proof there, you're banned. No second chances."
It's not that wow players aren't interested in new players, PUGS aren't interested in new players. If you aren't planning to be make yourself the best possible choice for a pug to select, then don't aim for the pug lifestlye. find a guild, make some friends. there are plenty of stable guilds out there that will help you get up to speed, you just have to find them. plenty of guilds that casually progress heroic without thinking about mythic. IMO, the gameplay is worth the extra legwork of finding the right community. It blows ff14's combat out of the water.
I played swtor before both then tried ffxiv now wow. And i gotta say ffxiv savage has gotten so hard the need for addons is a must for me. And most ppl use em and dont say much about it. I will always like ffxiv but the gap for casual to hardcore is getting far to wide to enjoy raiding at all. You couldnt play mch on the last boss for savage in tier 2 becasue u didnt have enough dps and ppl were not accepting u in pf lol. Wow and ffxiv have the same elitism to pretend that there isnt is not the truth. I have left alot of statics this time around because how hard the mechanics are and how salty ppl get this expansion then u look at there logs and its bbys first raid tier. I see no reason they will stop either and they will continue to make the gap wider. Ffxiv has serious problems in endwalker.
Your v model looks amazing. (is that correct? v model?) Skin? mmm Avatar? anyways. Looks pretty.
Basically if the community doesn't see the class you play on the MDI (Mythic Dungeon International) your life is instantly 200% more difficult.
Tbf MMOs as a whole are running out of new systems to incorporate, I dont think its fair to say that WoW has been doing the same thing for years. And its not totally true either, I honestly love how they took inspiration from GW2 mount system and vertical zone design and are trying to incorporate it into the game. I just wish they would add an actual player housing system
FF14 online sucks see how it cam go both ways and im not joking FF14 online does suck
i think WoW peaked in MoP, the game had the best combat the games every had. fun story and references throughout the entire world. best PVP tuns of open world content to do ect. WoW lost its soul over a decade ago. And it aint coming back
I wanted to disagree with your takes but after listening the whole way through i think you did nail it. I really liked the concept of the classic season server as i have played wow since vanilla and also FF14 since before they re made it. Wow is very gated with the communities. On the season server it was very difficult to find groups for raids and such since every guild or group were either long time groups who had played together or a streamer group. This isn't anti streamer, it is just an observation, but wow seems approachable if you watch streams because said streamer always has 50 players just waiting around for their chance to play with them in group content. Shroud always has groups for any content but that isn't the experience of the every day player. The people who always have premade groups ready to go for dungeons and raids don't want a dungeon finder because it helps gate content to where they always have access but a new or casual player never is able to access that content. Retail wow is very much the same way where the "hard core" raiding guilds are already filled and there is little to no path for an individual to get into that content unless you are a personality like Sneaky or Metious. There is no reason to play causal wow because at that point you are just logging in to do daily chores. I am not big into jump puzzles but FF14 does have alot of various content that appeals to various different audiences if your into it. I don't think FF14 is perfect but there is so much content in the game at this point it takes new players years to get through it all and to "endgame" activities which means you have alot to do before you feel like you have reached the end. Some would say that is a negative as it takes longer to reach end game but in the data it works far better than wow taking a day to level to the newest expansion and reaching end game quickly. They are different game philosophies but FF14 seems to be the leading game design at this current point in history where WOW was the leading game design for over a decade.
FfIV is fun but my main dislikes are #1 NO DAMAGE METER, can’t tell how well I’m doing in a group environment or if I’m improving since I have no tangible information. I’m trying to be better at the class and rotation but have no source to tell how well I am doing. Outside of maybe logs but arnt raid logs banned as well? Ik damage meters are banned but im not sure on logs.
2. I have to do 100+ hours of long drawn out story missions, level to 50 then do 100ish quests at 50 getting 0 exp and basically 0 gold/gil/geld w/e it is bc of it being low lvl zones then I can do the 50-60 story of which is more long quests followed with being stuck at 60 for 100+ quests again with 0 exp low gold income etc. that loop isn’t fun and doesn’t feel rewarding. Especially for someone who wants to do raids and high level dungeons, the story feels way to long for a new player and isn’t that interesting imo, heavensward and shadowbringers seemed cool but at that point I didn’t know half of what was going on bc the quests got boring and didn’t keep me engaged in the story. (I kept up with ninja class campaign and it’s good and I enjoyed it and its story) it just felt like a tedious grind.
3. Zones not being connected, in games like wow I can fly over some mountains and be in a. New zone, I can fly through a zone and not worry about loading screens to sub zones. In ff if mountains are between the zone I’m in and the one I’m going to I can’t fly over them with my flying mount, I have to find a specific passage with blue dots to go to the next sub zone etc, the world just doesn’t feel as open.
I will say it’s nice being in a less toxic community than what wow offers, it also has some cool class ideas and play styles, love how ninja plays with the odd and even windows the burst and the punishing aspect of the ninjutsus. I just can’t get over the steep hill of must do 2k fetch quests to get to end game and no damage meter.