Final Fantasy Vet's First Impressions of WOW Shadowlands

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17 Year Final Fantasy Vet’s First Impressions of WOW Shadowlands.

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0:00 Introduction
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33 thoughts on “Final Fantasy Vet's First Impressions of WOW Shadowlands”

  1. Really happy to see you guys are having a good time with the game so far, here's hoping not everything you want to play ends up releasing the same day/week XD

    Regarding what you guys were commenting about art styles, personally I think both games have bastly different styles to compare, both are looking for different things and are aimed towards different audiences from my point of view, personally i get a kind of cozy feeling from most WoW art and i tend to lean towards most of their art pieces (I'm mostly a "Cartoon" artist) and for XIV I mostly get a "spiky" (there are many spikes XD) and cool feel, which for me is a bit kind of hit or miss sometimes. Though the technical art I think WoW does way better than XIV for the sad reasons we all already know (Ps3 support, working with an stiff and outdated engine and low(er) budget).

    Oh, and I really (REALLY) like the animators from Blizzard, their cutscenes (though scarce) are so full of live and great body acting, one of my favourite parts of the game, and the animations in-game are really good too, they have amazing animators working at Blizz (If only they paid them what they really deserved…)

    Hope you have a good time raiding if it ever gets to it!

    Have a nice day!

  2. I played WoW until level 30 way long ago when I think they were on the 3rd or 4th expansion? I liked it fine but never really clicked with the story or world. Plus I was a college student with no money and my free trial ran out lol. After the last year my interest in anything by Blizzard is pretty much gone now, though. Maybe in an alternate timeline I was a big WoW player… Have you guys ever watched the Guild, though? That was a fun/silly show.

  3. MYTHIC Dungeon is something that I wish FFXIV had! It is so amazing for small group of friends to do this "hard" content and have fun together without having to set-up a 8 man group with randoms!
    For new players I do wish that FFXIV make it more enjoyable – WoW pacing is much better in these regard and the GCD in one thing that could help FFXIV.

  4. As a long time wow player I thought it was hard to get friends into it but playing 14 for the last month and just hitting cap i think it would be imposible to get a friend in.

  5. Totally agree with the gcd issue. On my 27 conjurer I have like 2 healing spells and tbh, I dont feel much like a healer. Its the complete opposite in wow where at 27 you have a decent toolkit, but more importantly you have to use it more often.

    I think it would be interesting if yall tried wow classic sometime, maybe after he caps, just so he can see how wow has changed. Plus, its definitely more dangerous in the open world. You pull 3 mobs in classic and your likely running for your life.

    Here is to hoping 14 and wow compete for years to come and we get fresh ideas from both

  6. It seems to me the art style of WoW is more consistent than FFXIV's. What I mean specifically is that the characters match the environments. In WoW its all stylized – both the characters and the world surrounding them have a cartoony, sometimes goofy feel. In FFXIV the environments strive for realism while the characters have an anime, often goofy feel. Especially player 'creations'. As long as Im doing the MSQ its more or less fine… the moment I enter group content tho it all falls apart XD

  7. I hope people do enjoy shadowlands but wow for me is over. I played from bc to legion and wow was just going in a direction I couldn’t follow.

    As for controllers, I honestly can’t see how people play ffxiv with controllers. So I see what your saying, one mans trash is another’s treasure!

  8. Story up to Wraith is great Panderia handling of Garrosh was lazy writing. I love Panderia but the way the story was handled really felt weak. Dreanor no question the story was just so stupid. It was by far the most rediculus plot fixing you can do. Time/Dimension hoping was interesting in the Chromie quest but horrible in WoD. Legion was a good push in the right direction but the Emerald Nightmare was very weird. BFA just makes little sense.

  9. Eventually — not now because there's a butt-ton of games releasing, but eventually — I would love to see an FFXIV vet's impressions of WoW Classic, even just the intro and leveling experience. It's the only MMO nowadays I can find that still has a "threatening world" while leveling.

  10. When you play Shadowlands, if you ever get the chance to join a normal raid (not raid finder!) for Castle Nythria I highly recommend it. You will be blown away. WoW raids are massive raid instances with 8 to 12 bosses and they are all connected to the main story. Also, outside of mythic (don't worry about mythic) they scale from 10 to 40-man automatically, meaning that if one night you have 13 players online, you bring everyone and the game will serve you a 13-man raid. Nobody gets benched. This is an amazing feature. Raids are a primary reason why WoW gets to keep its more hardcore playerbase despite all the failings of BfA. Normal difficulty in WoW is roughly equivalent to Extreme trials in XIV so don't worry it's not that big of a commitment. (Savage is around heroic, and mythic is harder still. Raid finder is the one you queue for, but it's a terrible experience in WoW.)

    You may want to check out mythic+ dungeons while you're at it too, since a lot of people seem to want that in XIV. Personally, I don't think M+ would be fun in XIV as long as the dungeons are as linear as they make them, but you can make your own opinion on this. 🙂

    Great video guys.

  11. Don’t controllers simply not have enough buttons for you to have access to all of your combat abilities? I tried setting up FFXIV for play with a controller and I simply couldn’t find a way to even just bind all of the abilities that I use regularly in combat to the controls even when I was doing stuff like making the L & R buttons pull up alternate action bars.

  12. Found your destiny channel the other day and wanted to check back on this channel. Been a while since I played FFXIV, so haven't really had a need for, well, ffxiv content.

    However, this was such a joy to watch. I have played both games for an extended period of time, but WoW is one of my first love in gaming, so i'll always be biased towards it, although not to a massive degree.

    As professional as I know both of you are, I was still expecting some disses here and there, because truth be told, both games are just so massive, similiar, yet so different and doesn't appeal to the same crowd, so a lot of people tend to lean very heavily towards one game or the other, which tends to lead to a lot of hate.

    Here's hoping both games' future are bright!


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