Fire Mage PvE Guide For Shadowlands 9.0.2 || How to Mage || Part 2 || Openers and Rotation

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Hey guys, this is a 2nd part of How to Fire series for Shadowlands. Bascially this is a 10 minute video with all kinds of Openers and Rotations for every situation. Must watch I’d say 😛
Here’s a link to part one, you should check it out. It has interesting info about Fire Mages, a must watch:

0:00 Introduction
1:00 Opener with Hero/Bl
2:01 Demonstration
2:32 Opener without Hero/Bl
3:05 Demonstration
3:33 2nd Combustion
4:17 Demonstration
4:45 Solo Target Rotation
6:10 Two Targets Rotation
7:12 3+ Targets Opener
7:53 Demonstration
8:25 Legendary Powers
9:10 Covenant Abilities Usage

Have a nice day! 🙂
#wow #shadowlands #mage


29 thoughts on “Fire Mage PvE Guide For Shadowlands 9.0.2 || How to Mage || Part 2 || Openers and Rotation”

  1. Here's the 2nd Part of the Fire Mage Guide, it took me a bit longer to make than anticipated, I got carried away with all the rotations and colors. I really hope you like it 🙂
    Also check the 1st Part!

  2. is it better now outside combustion? or still bad at that moment :(:O
    also without crit being the main stat I often fishing for procs and it feels horrible :
    hard casting flamestrike at 2+ targets with flamepatch I mean common..
    it can be such a good/fun spec why is this even a thing 😛

  3. Hey man, you still do this openers/rotation? I do! But i saw on the Internet that Preheat does the opener in a different way of not critting with precast he activates combustion then he forse for a double FB into pyroblast then PF pyroblast and again and then last charge of FB pyroblast to refresh the calamity buff! Have you tried It?

  4. I have been playing destro warlock for the last couple of months, but it feels very boring and slow in shadowlands atm. I changed to fire mage a couple of days ago and it's so much more fun to play. I'm pretty good at the ST rotation inside and outside of combustion + the AOE rotation inside combustion, but I have struggled to find a good rotation guide for what to do in 2 and 3+ target situations outside of combustion. Thank you so mcuh for this video, you gave me exactly the information I was looking for 🙂

  5. how much more dmg is NF fire mage doing in CN compared to venthyr? NF can reduce all CDs, and venthyr can at least get 5 x FB in 2nd comb. i wonder if there is a significant difference, i mean with bosses like sunking, council, and altimore, i am pretty sure NF is considerably better, i am just hoping, that blizzard is bringing some changes to frost after first mythic week so i can stay venthyr.

  6. Usually crits are calculated the moment your cast finishes. Is this different for phoenix flames? Because when I have Troll racial up I can get in another PF at 0.2 sec left on comb. I feel like it always crits but some ppl say it doesnt 100% crit if it lands after combustion ends.


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