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Hey guys, this is a 2nd part of How to Fire series for Shadowlands. Bascially this is a 10 minute video with all kinds of Openers and Rotations for every situation. Must watch I’d say 😛
Here’s a link to part one, you should check it out. It has interesting info about Fire Mages, a must watch:
0:00 Introduction
1:00 Opener with Hero/Bl
2:01 Demonstration
2:32 Opener without Hero/Bl
3:05 Demonstration
3:33 2nd Combustion
4:17 Demonstration
4:45 Solo Target Rotation
6:10 Two Targets Rotation
7:12 3+ Targets Opener
7:53 Demonstration
8:25 Legendary Powers
9:10 Covenant Abilities Usage
Have a nice day! 🙂
#wow #shadowlands #mage
Here's the 2nd Part of the Fire Mage Guide, it took me a bit longer to make than anticipated, I got carried away with all the rotations and colors. I really hope you like it 🙂
Also check the 1st Part!
I have switched from frost to fire and think I'll stick with it awhile. I think it's more fun than the other specs
I wonder why do you proc the start of your combustion with a scorch instead of a fireball?
Ty for the video ! Good job, will you upload one for arcane ?
why no cast shifting power in combustion when out of fire blast ?
is it better now outside combustion? or still bad at that moment :(:O
also without crit being the main stat I often fishing for procs and it feels horrible :
hard casting flamestrike at 2+ targets with flamepatch I mean common..
it can be such a good/fun spec why is this even a thing 😛
A question about Phoenix Flames. So I should never use it in normal rotation, even during AOE? It's better to just stick to hardcasting FS and 2x FB, even at capped PF?
thanks for rotation i needed this video to check that i'm not missing anything
Hey Mate im from German can you make a Rotation for shadow priest Maybe?
Hey mate, really appreciate you!! Do you stream at all?
hey marko do you know where we can get infernal cascade conduit? is it random? thanks 🙏
Why wouldn't you combust before the precast finishes in order to guarantee a crit on the pyroblast? instead of adding the scorch in there
Thank you so much. I'm a fire mage at heart
the droperate of memory of firestorm is so fucking low 🙁 i made like 50 dungen and its was not droping yet…
Why do you use scorch at the start? I thought we use it only <35% HP.
Dear sensei, if I chose venthyr, when is the best time to use covenant ability? The same question for frost)
When you hard cast pyro as an opener do you wait travel to see if crits? or could be better just stat casting a scorch just in case? thx!
Does heroism mean time warp?
Does scorch into combustion give u instant pb?
Hey man, you still do this openers/rotation? I do! But i saw on the Internet that Preheat does the opener in a different way of not critting with precast he activates combustion then he forse for a double FB into pyroblast then PF pyroblast and again and then last charge of FB pyroblast to refresh the calamity buff! Have you tried It?
I have been playing destro warlock for the last couple of months, but it feels very boring and slow in shadowlands atm. I changed to fire mage a couple of days ago and it's so much more fun to play. I'm pretty good at the ST rotation inside and outside of combustion + the AOE rotation inside combustion, but I have struggled to find a good rotation guide for what to do in 2 and 3+ target situations outside of combustion. Thank you so mcuh for this video, you gave me exactly the information I was looking for 🙂
I still remain the worst mage in my guild.. i Just cant seem to master the class, feeling stuck and behind.. i main frost now as i cant get A grip on fire..
how much more dmg is NF fire mage doing in CN compared to venthyr? NF can reduce all CDs, and venthyr can at least get 5 x FB in 2nd comb. i wonder if there is a significant difference, i mean with bosses like sunking, council, and altimore, i am pretty sure NF is considerably better, i am just hoping, that blizzard is bringing some changes to frost after first mythic week so i can stay venthyr.
What Trinket and what Racials talk is about?
Crazy rotation, tough to get right
I try so hard to play fire, but I do so much more dps as arcane.
Usually crits are calculated the moment your cast finishes. Is this different for phoenix flames? Because when I have Troll racial up I can get in another PF at 0.2 sec left on comb. I feel like it always crits but some ppl say it doesnt 100% crit if it lands after combustion ends.
With saving fire blasts in the normal rotation, you just turned my 3k dps to a 4k+, lots to learn, thanks for this!
Hey there, swapped from frost to fire recently and was just wondering what the best settings are to use for simming ? I feel like my weights aren't correct right now.