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Season of Discovery Playlist:
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Seems right to me, most of us have a grasp on not letting this game consume our lives again
very small % of players play endgame content on HC realms.
Hardcore is dead
My guild is going naxx tonite so horde numbers on stitches may go down XD
Idk on my lvl 44 Dwarf Rogue ill /who or try and get a dungeon group together and its all crickets. I was in a really active guild and now it says everyone hasnt logged in for months. Its a slow grind for me from 44-60, but its even harder without a community.
it feels much less alive than before SoD for sure
No it’s wrong, I legit was on last night and there was 74 people in my guild on so yeah and there’s many other guilds as well so unless it’s like only lvl 60s then it’s not dead just not as popular
DP still occasionally will have short queues on busy nights. HC is fine.
WE (don't) GO AGAIN!
It's not fun to play …. let's be honest. The shit is pure trash. It's fun AF to watch tho- but to actually invest time and play? it's 100% a waste of time – and most people once they die at a higher level post level 40? they quit- maybe they try once more – but there is only so many times you can start over lol
People get tired, too.
hardcore wow is dumb anyway
just log into the fucking game and any fool with dementia and half a brain left can conclude the game isn't dead
all credits go to tinyviolin lulz
Bro. There are 700 people in the WORLD that played that new AAA first person shooter /mage game that nobody knows about.
There is no way that less than a couple 10’s of thousands of people play hardcore.
The community was literally big even better blizzard made servers.
theres like 300k people still playing HC
honor mode games where you die and thats it is not wow there is to many bugs and stupid stuff to die to.
its a great concept but only if youre game is flawless and people dont die from things they themselves didnt cause.
Season of Discovery is killing it..
Servers are low and after I tried a few characters I got tired of doing the starting zone over and over.
Raiding isent allways ppls goal in hardcore so could be tons of ppl playing
Why play hardcore on a game not designed for hardcore with the chance of having a griefer in your group that can wipe your character from the face of the earth. Completly pointless
Hardcore wow is going to be a game mode people play between new releases. It’s going to be a come and go kind of game mode. Remember it’s not a new game or expansion it’s a game mode.
Well, why would you play HC wow when you can play SOD or Retail? 🤷♂️
I think adding hardcore mode to a game developed without HC mode in mind is just stupid, and when you add to it how slow leveling in classic is and how hard it is to gear up, it's just too much torture for nothing. It's all been seen and played through for the last 18 years so I don't see the point in creating different mutations or abominations based on what WoW was or was supposed to be. All versions of WoW are just a desperate try to make more money for the owners of the franchise. The game was built on the success of the Warcraft RTS and people were familiar with the thematic, augmented by the fact that Lord of the Rings was a very popular theme at that time also. WoW needs to die just like its hardcore characters, come up with a new way to reincorporate Warcraft story into mainstream audience either by a new game or an animated series, and make WoW 2.0 if the new audience vibes with the new game or series.
ofc its dead who is going to level up for hte 7th time only to lose his char to a wipe in brd.
Being able to basically infinitely subjugate a player is not cool. They literally can't play their character until they are let go. Unless them logging out will stop it. If they leave it in, it needs to be capped to a short time frame, hard.
WoW has like gazillion different modes with hc being probably the most niche one. Players base is too spread out between classic wow, sod, retail, hc etc.
Wow wasn’t meant to be a hardcore game
Im surprised there arent less people. I dont like hardcore wow because of the way "hardcore" is defined. Addons, macros, questie, disabling pvp, battlegrounds… These hardcore players are not so hardcore when you think about it. Not dying in wow classic is not hard at all. You can play safe the entire time. People die because they get bored or are bad. Real hardcore classic should be if you die then you drop your gear and it should be a pvp server
Why would anyone raid when tinyviolin exists
Blizzard so far behind private servers.
I mean, I've been waiting for Self Found forever so I'm still gonna go for it. Looking to hopefully make a big Self Found guild on EU.
hardcore just a phase, cool for a death or two but no way it can retain a high population