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Hey, what’s up 🙂
Decided to give World of Warcraft a go (Retail/Modern if you’re wondering). I never tried it before and heard things about it since I was a kid, so instead of playing it, I thought it would be fun to record and chop up for a lil vid 🙂
Might play more in the future, will have to see, hope you enjoy, and if you stay a little to watch, I really appreciate it, these are really fun to make!
boo kung fu panda joke bad, was bad in 2012, it's bad now
hi im a female gamer and wow is fun please read every thing ask for help get in a good guild
If you had played the starter zomes like Elwyn or Teldrassil you would have been mesmerized by them places so beautiful so serene so awe striking so breathtaking but whatever
This is so enjoyable to watch ^^ Give old discovery days of WOW feeling. I just sat with my coffee and listenned to you, it was perfect !
Sees first Dreanai woman "Oh Damn" notices the hooves "NVM!"
so much work for creating the video o.o
It’s fun watching new players play! It reminds me of when I was a noob in WoW
the intro looks so underwhelmingly easy, didn't see him go under 80% hp at any time lmao
lol retail
LOL! 5:18 "CAT!"
go play classic if ur new retail shit
Love it. Im playin since 2010. Leveling will get a lot slower after 50 because thats when u reach the current Main Story. As a new player i think u might need like 15 to 20 hours for the last 10 lvls but wow is all about endgame. I would suggest u try classic WoW there the "real" game starts at lvl 1
Welcome to Azeroth!
being playing for so many years… I can tell you Enjoy/Embrace your moment there cause that moment/experience is unique ! Thank you for sharing your experience its refreshing !
It’s so interesting watching someone brand new to the game figure it out. And as a Druid main from day 1 in 2008, this is so funny to watch because it reminded of myself when I started as a Druid 😂
Why play a female character ??
takes a lot of time to understand WoW, iv been playing for about 3-4 years now I think and I still havn't made a dent in the game, still learning as I go, no rush, it all takes time :), would say read the books or listen to the audiobooks for more understanding of the world and its characters
ive played Wow off and on for 10 plus years
I have played a druid as my 2nd toon since Pandaria, I love how your learning all your skills.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Warcraft.
i think newer players are just more intelligent when it comes to understanding the game tbh.
Nice! My only gripe is that you chose Alliance instead of Horde 😂
I would say you did very well for a first time player, reading the abilities and experimenting sets you apart from most beginners already. Also asking about if you should key-bind your druid forms was very impressive! (I know people that have played the game for many years and still struggle to key-bind important abilities)
welcome to Azeroth sir! Love to see a new player just having fun. There is endless fun to have in this game if you continue playing. Hope to see you around!
yay a new druid enters the forest!! o/ welcome!!
Make sure you're right-clicking enemies to auto-attack them
I'm confused, what zone is this? Why is he not in the Teldrassil starting area? :O
16:35 You should never click on anything you use in combat, it's incredibly inefficient and will handicap you. You also back peddle a lot, while back pedaling is fine (outside of pvp that is) in very small doses, you don't want to rely on it. Strafing is a really good tool that will serve you in almost all cases.
22:05 Yes lol but that's okay, you're new after all.
Please play more <3
painful to see but reminded me of me in 2006 when I started playing the game.
you're doing great, just your choice of faction was wrong. other than that good job!
Don’t play in the alliance pls
i love how this video is about to blow up, i love watching unpopular channels that are good
Have fun getting flamed by elitist assholes who are speed running dungeons and then kick you from group
I've been playing wow since I was around 12, on and off and only recently started playing retail with my boyfriend, his first time ever playing it. Watching you play made me realize I rushed him too much into this world because I was excited to show him later things in the game that I didn't realize how sweet and beautiful the scenery looks at times. Thank you. I want to keep watching you play to inspire myself with the little things I want to show him and discover for myself too. Slow down the adventure to enjoy it as it is.
its nice to see a brand new person in this world. most of us have been playing so long its like 2nd nature
Aww so cute ❤ welcome! Enjoy the game 😊
you are a Stag not Raindeer in travel form
hahahaha you are not very smart if you chose feral you stay on cat form and u use finishers when you have 5 combo points not just 1