First time playing World of Warcraft…..

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Hey, what’s up 🙂
Decided to give World of Warcraft a go (Retail/Modern if you’re wondering). I never tried it before and heard things about it since I was a kid, so instead of playing it, I thought it would be fun to record and chop up for a lil vid 🙂

Might play more in the future, will have to see, hope you enjoy, and if you stay a little to watch, I really appreciate it, these are really fun to make!


38 thoughts on “First time playing World of Warcraft…..”

  1. Love it. Im playin since 2010. Leveling will get a lot slower after 50 because thats when u reach the current Main Story. As a new player i think u might need like 15 to 20 hours for the last 10 lvls but wow is all about endgame. I would suggest u try classic WoW there the "real" game starts at lvl 1

  2. It’s so interesting watching someone brand new to the game figure it out. And as a Druid main from day 1 in 2008, this is so funny to watch because it reminded of myself when I started as a Druid 😂

  3. takes a lot of time to understand WoW, iv been playing for about 3-4 years now I think and I still havn't made a dent in the game, still learning as I go, no rush, it all takes time :), would say read the books or listen to the audiobooks for more understanding of the world and its characters

  4. I would say you did very well for a first time player, reading the abilities and experimenting sets you apart from most beginners already. Also asking about if you should key-bind your druid forms was very impressive! (I know people that have played the game for many years and still struggle to key-bind important abilities)

  5. 16:35 You should never click on anything you use in combat, it's incredibly inefficient and will handicap you. You also back peddle a lot, while back pedaling is fine (outside of pvp that is) in very small doses, you don't want to rely on it. Strafing is a really good tool that will serve you in almost all cases.

    22:05 Yes lol but that's okay, you're new after all.

  6. I've been playing wow since I was around 12, on and off and only recently started playing retail with my boyfriend, his first time ever playing it. Watching you play made me realize I rushed him too much into this world because I was excited to show him later things in the game that I didn't realize how sweet and beautiful the scenery looks at times. Thank you. I want to keep watching you play to inspire myself with the little things I want to show him and discover for myself too. Slow down the adventure to enjoy it as it is.


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