ANIMA POWERS IN RAID! | The Tarragrue 9.1 Sanctum of Domination Shadowlands

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ANIMA POWERS IN RAID! | The Tarragrue 9.1 Sanctum of Domination Shadowlands

Today we’re going to be getting a quick overview on the very first boss of the Sanctum of Domination – The Terragrue. This is not meant to be a guide but more-so a sneak peak into what to expect.

I’m sure we’ve all had our own experiences with the Terragrue..and now we get to enact our revenge on this big boi.

This is an incredibly unique fight that I think really sets the tone for the rest of the raid. You’re either going to love this fight or hate it for it’s unpredictability but overall, I think this will be pretty well received.

Before approaching the boss room, you have to clear Adds. some of these adds are called Infused Goliath. Once killed, they drop a thicc anima orb that your entire raid can click on to be given a choice between 3 anima powers, much like you would see in Torghast! Pretty cool right?

These powers are never class specific and there is a select pool of potential ones you could be offered. Wowhead posted a list today if you wanted to check it out. They range from straight up 15% primary stat buffs, fear prevention, extra leech, movement speed, super powered jumping and much more. You’re able to collect up to 4 of these powers from the adds and if you end up with a lackluster build, you can purge your buffs from the obelisk outside the boss room and run back to the anima orbs to play the slot machine again and hope you get something better.

A lot of people’s knee jerk reaction to this is probably going to be bad – but I do believe that this boss is intended to be FUN and not frustrating. You “can” min/max your powers if you want but chances are, you won’t need to. Each time you come in here and clear this boss you’ll have the opportunity to play the boss slightly differently which I think is really intriguing. One week you might get the fear prevention power, making your life way easier when it comes to positioning. The next week you might get Oddly Intangible Key which makes You take 90% less damage from area of effect attacks. Meaning you don’t have to dodge the mists at all and can tunnel the boss.

The possibilities are endless and will honestly, probably be a nightmare when it comes to logs and parsing – but it’s going to be fun and fresh and I strongly believe the boss will be tuned with all of that in mind.

The majority of the fight is pretty simple. Find the safe zones on the ground during the intermission phases, dodge and immune the chains, don’t get feared and soak the remnants.

We really didn’t have much trouble dealing with any of this – of course, it was on heroic so we’ll have to see how Mythic feels but as stated earlier some of the anima powers can really help with some of the mechanics.

Where this fight gets absolutely wild is when the boss gets to 10%. Once he reaches 10% health, the entire raids anima powers get purged away and the boss begins doing 500% extra damage and will start one shotting people.

This is where you have to get creative. You can start kiting with taunts and immunes and pray you have enough dps to get him down the last couple percent. Or, if someone has the anima power Ten of Towers you can use it strategically. It Increases damage done by 10% and reduces damage taken by 10%. Upon death, detonate and stun ALL players and enemies within 10 yds for 10 sec.

You can get the majority of you raid to run away while the person with the power taunts the boss, dies and activates this stun on the boss while he’s still above 10% – maybe you do this at 11%

It’s then a mad rush to burn through as much of his health as you can during that 10 second stun.

However you decide to deal with this phase, it’s hectic, chaotic and a ton of fun.

Overall, I think it’s a great first boss that will really get people excited to delve deeper into the raid and I can’t wait to get in here and see what kind of strategies people come up with to fully utilize some of these Anima Powers.

#shadowlands #jedith

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