First Time Playing World of Warcraft Classic – 2024 – Playing with Viewers.

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In this episode of my first playthrough of World of Warcraft Classic, I try to level up as much as I can and get some help from viewers who join me in Westfall.

Join me on my journey into World of Warcraft Classic playthrough! After many recommendations, I’ve decided to dive into this iconic MMORPG. As a newcomer, I’m open to any hints and tips you have to offer.

World of Warcraft (WoW) is a beloved MMORPG released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment, set in the Warcraft universe. It’s been four years since the events of the previous game, and Azeroth awaits exploration!

WoW Classic Playlist:

#worldofwarcraft #wowclassic #newplayer #firstimeplayingworldofwarcraftclassic


15 thoughts on “First Time Playing World of Warcraft Classic – 2024 – Playing with Viewers.”

  1. Was fun, but you do need to get into the habit of glancing at chat. Once you type /p you dont have to type it again. When you press Enter to type in chat it will automatically open to the last channel you were talking in eg /p = party, /w <name> = whisper. So, once you type /p <text> you will stay in party chat until you change it. You can also use commands in chat e.g. /invite <name> to invite to a group if you cant click on the toon, and you can also right-click on names in the chat window if that is easier.

    We need to sit down in game and have a 'chat about chat' so you can have a practice 😉 Will catch up in discord, but always happy to help out if i'm around 😀

  2. I used to play Horde, but then I had to fight those pink haired cuties all the time, and I couldn't do that, so I joined the alliance (sorry Thrall)

    btw, it's still one step forward, two steps back with you <insert Captain Picard Facepalm> <3

  3. Anything in your inventory (bags) that has a little coin in the top left corner of its icon is trash and can be safely sold to a vendor . Also when you get a green item drop if you cannot use it you can sell it on the auction house for a bit more profit.
    Keep up the great content.

  4. if you add somebody to your friend list ( type /friend <name> ) you can see in which area they are…. You won't see their exact position, but an experienced player who knows the areas inside and out, can often easily locate somebody with those broad directions… That's how they 'jump you' It took them probably a few minutes to find you.
    Another tool is /target <name of player> (or /target <name of NPC> ) If the target is nearby they will show up in your user interface window and then you can usually spot them on the screen. If nothing shows up, you at least know they are not nearby and then you run around, repeating the target command until it catches something.

    This works great if you need to kill a specific named NPC .

    And finally, if they are a Hunter class player, they can just use their in-game skill of Track Humanoids, and that will give the name of all humans nearby on the minimap. That's a skill only Hunters have.

  5. I have the same problem with the chat tbh….you should try making the background of your chat box completely black the text seems to stand out better cause of the contrast 👍 also….only have to type /p once when you hit enter you will notice it says “Party” instead of “Say” and from there on you will defaulted to Party chat unless you type /s to speak in say once more

  6. 12:21 Easy hint here. Use your damn polymorph. Sheep one, kill the other. When sheep breaks, it's a one v one. Mages are the best crowd controllers in the game. Once you see the odds against you, target who you want to sheep. Then simply Nova the other in place and burn it down. Mage is a class I've never played, so I could be wrong. But that's how I'd go about it. Once you hit 20 and get Blizzard, things can get fun.

    Said this before and I'll say it again. Dump turn left – turn right and change them to strafe left – strafe right. Turning your back while running from a mob can cause you to be dazed. If you strafe instead, it greatly reduces the chance of being dazed and you can actually auto-attack while running away with your staff. Try it – tinker with it. It can save you – especially in caves and such. Keyboard turning is highly inefficient and often deadly.

    Always look around. When you're going to fight somebody or something be aware of what can jump on you randomly. Mobs in WoW follow specific patterns. Know the patterns before engaging or make sure you're in a spot where nothing will add on.

    18:52 Xappit may have been offended at this moment. It's nice of Xap to help, but honestly, it'd be better to do things yourself and figure things out on your own. In a dungeon or something, fine – but you get the better experience figuring out your spells and such by trial and error.

    Keep up the great work. Props to whoever's doing the intros – they are funny af.

  7. When fighting the knuckledustter at 10:50 – You can see that she does some kind of kick animation.This is called an interrupt. Players get them too. An interrupt, interrupts (duh) the spell you're casting and it locks you out of the school of the spell that you were casting, for a couple seconds at least. She used it twice during the fight.

  8. Thanks again, interesting to watch these 🙂 And few tips.

    5:50 You could always sell those gray trash items on vendor. Remember that some addon marks then with the "gold" sign on upper corner. Those you should be always to sell even without thinking at all. Frees up the valuable bag space.

    9:00 Very well done, but small detail, which caused the mob hit you once. When the freezing spell broke, you could have casted your Frostbols just like second before the freezing ending. That way the mob would be instantly slowed when it starts to run towards you. Now as you used just wand, it run full speed towards you. Not a big deal with that one hit, but overall good to keep things slowed efficiently. You just need to be aware of how long the freeze and slow debuffs will be on the mob, by looking icons and their durations near health bars.

    (actually later at 10:15 you made it nearly perfectly though, good job! 🙂 )

    9:52 When you target and mouseover that enemy, you can see the tooltip in right bottom corner, telling the mob name etc. In the same window, some addon makrs that he drops quests items, those bandanas. Really worth to look at those tooltips too.


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