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What does Blizzard need to do to fix World of Warcraft Lore post WoW Shadowlands? Lore in WoW 10.0
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i have 3 things in my wish list for blizzard that think would work perfectly well 4 things First which is personal wish is that they must rework monk fighting animation to include the damn weapons already my fists are hurting from hiting stone monsters xD . Second start to LISTEN player base cuz otherwise players will leave . Third fix lore little bit i mean stop with those cosmic spaceship starwars bullshits and Fourth which is not that much necesery fix the graphics with some game engine etc . Thats all thx if someone actually care about those things
They had Tyrande to pull it off with Turalyon. They have cleansed her.
Genn Greymane is somewhat a wild dog out there. Still under the leash.
Velen and the Draenei still mending their wounds after Legion, so they are out.
Gnomes and Mechagnomes … no.
Dwarven council can be good option as long as Moira does the Thaurissan path of conquest.
Pandaren have no beef … they have feasts ba dum tss
The only possible way to make Alliance a heavily Light bad side willing for bloodshed is to bring Yrel back from the alternate Draenor, them finding their way into Azeroth to chase down the Mag'har orcs, along with Lightforged Grom Hellscream.
Maybe my idea is stupid, but I hope it beats "I will never serve" anytime.
I love your idea of Jaina vs Turalyon. I love Alpaca's idea of Talanji as well.
I really want to see how the Forsaken and Night Elves move on, at a practical level.
Sylvanas should have to go through some sort of redemption through Revendreth.
I think Anduin should go on a spiritual journey and we should get hints and then bigger hints of him as the two expansion progresses, then he returns like two expansions later
Having us able to visit Sylvanas while she is under house arrest would be awesome
Accolonn blizzard will not give an exposition so that they can sell u a shitty book after a new expansion. Most people don't play wow due to its lore. Although u pay the $15 a month u get a poorly written story at best with a book that would cost u extra . I have accepted that and moved on.
Fkkkkkkkkk the light n let’s get some cool zoidy ness
It is reveal that the Murlocs are the first ones
Accolon, what about Valeera?! I'd like to see more about her.
Unless were going to take a history lesson there isnt much that can be done with dragons since what happened in cata. chromie or the infinite dragonflight is our only options really. I'd love to see turalyon go on the warpath with Genn Malfurion and Mekktorque being key characters supporting the war.
Hopefully they add a new class 🙏
I want to see Taelia Fordragon do something. Sylvanas and Jaina are out.
You know what I want? I want all the character development to take place IN THE GAME instead of a bunch of other sources.
Valeera and Taelia! And lots of murlocs. Zappy boi too. Maybe add murlocs and furbolgs to torghast or shadowlands. Do they not have souls?
Getting out the way now… Jaina was RIGHT every time… and got gut punched each time she tried to make nice: first Theramore, then in Dalaran when those she sheltered HELPED GARROSH GET ANOTHER MANA BOMB. (BTW… she was imprisoning the traitors, VAREESA was the one issuing kill bounties.) Then if you let the stupid run forward, enabling [fake] Sylvanas first in Legion with the Valkyr, then letting her stick around after KILLING HER OWN PEOPLE and attacking Teldrassil made no sense?!
The burning of Teldrassil was a move of pure shock value writing without ANY justification in story or character developement for the Horde leadership. Leaving aside the TAUREN would not allow it, pretty sure the Blood Elves would actually have an issue, and most of the trolls would be cranky about BURNING A WORLD TREE. The assault on Lordaeron and the state of the Forsaken is a whole other conversation.
The story since Pandaria, at least, broke Factions as a realistic thing in story. The Horde no longer had a Warchief in the sense Thrall or Garrosh were, but a council with a head, under Alliance oversight. Then in Legion, the factions, as a thing, was functionally dissolved with class halls and unified leadership under Khadgar, Turalyon, and some elf with wings.
BfA, oddly, outside the forced framing, really… did not have much Horde-Alliance friction day to day… we had different islands, different enemies, and the PvP stuff was closer to what factionless WoW might have been and was mostly entirely ignorable…
Shadowlands is almost unfixable. Too much needs retconned at this point that a true Realm Reborn reset needs to happen… the Covenants as they are presented, barely make sense as competitive factions, anything involving the Azeroth pantheon in general, and Elune specifically, is just insulting, and Zoval should have been RIGHT… if he had character at all. The fix, ironically, is to lean into the madness, make the story MORE contradictory and revisionist, lampshade it with dialog questioning the story, and force a reorigination event for the Shadowlands and a fight with a very familiar Old God… we break free to Azeroth in a portal to Sylithus and the death cries of an Azerite powered C'Thun shakes the lands… ripping a hole in the Caverns of Time and leading to the Time Twisted expansion…
They need to build Turalyon up as they did with Garrosh. His most recent development has been in books, so just having him evil in the next expansion isn't going to cut it for casual players and not for lore/story nerds like myself. In game development is a must, and it should stretch over a few expansions in my opinion.
I also agree with wanting more Talanji. If Sylvannas is going to go to the sidelines after these two train wrecks, and Garrosh is now seemingly premadead, I need a new leader to simp for on the horde, one who very likely will challenge the Alliance if need be and potentially help rekindle some faction tensions, but without burning it out like our other two genocidal former warchief did.
Peace loving turn the other cheek types like Baine isn't going to cut it for me, he had his chance in cataclysm. I don't hate him, nor do I really want to see him as a warmonger, but he's not helping legitimize the faction conflict in the game.
I would like to see a Varian like warchief/leader on the horde for a change, one who has motive to challenge the Alliance beyond "it's what orcs do" and whatever 4d chest Sylvannas was doing. Talanji fits the bill, with personal reasons to hate the Alliance in her father's death and the attack on her city before they formally joined the horde.
Let's look at the history of WoW… they don't care about the story, they don't care about your experience, they only care about money. Lessons will not be learned, we will have borrowed power still in 10.0, and they will find a way to justify what they've done 'for the sake of the story'… nothing is going to change. It's been a sh!t show for three expansions and nothing is going to change until the writers are replaced and Ion is replaced. Mark my fking words…
Hrm. After listening to you guys talk about this…the more I realize how effed the lore really is…
"Turning Sylvanas into Hitler" Slyvanas ran concentration camps back in Vanilla she was always Hitler.
you guys couldn't be further from what WoW actually needs lore wise. You know what they really need to do? After 15-16 years actually make the PLAYER the hero of the story. People don't care about wow lore because they are not involved in the story as the big hero. Actually I never felt like a hero in WoW story wise. So playing FF14 it is such a breath of fesh air to FINALLY be important in the story as a player.
B-but we got conflict inside the alliance, its just that literally ALL of it has only played out in books and such.
Two characters, Mr. Menethil, and OUR BOY, T'PAARTOOOOOOSSS!!!!
Do the Baine on Sylvannas and let her sit for an expansion
When it comes to Sylvanas, I would say put her in Windrunner Spire, allow the players who supported her to talk to her and make it some quest line for only those player. Something in the direction of, finding evidence to redeem her. I really like the Turalian idea. Keep in mind that the area around Undercity is blighted so it could begin with a joint project between Horde and Alliance and then when it's restored have them start to argue about it that bursts into conflict.
I would like to see the the Bronze dragonflight reverse the time and bring us to Warcraft I after Zoval it's about to destroy the discs of creation of something OR the return back to azeroth and the world has healed from the cataclysm.
Fundamental WoW lore; a bunch of factions all controlling all the zones/areas of all expansions with the Main two factions being Horde and Alliance. Tons of ongoing fighting ensues as patches progress. Power levels of factions (and areas controlled) rise and fall with expansions. Factions can combine forces for raids, m+/pvp because gameplay. Bam. Done.
Now focus all resources on WoW gameplay specifically Scripe's list and overhauling the default UI.
They should put Sylvanas somewhere where we can visit her so we can celebrate the anniversary of the Burning of Teldrassil.
I don't get how people paint Turalyon as this potential warmongering zealot. The man is married to his polar opposite and his master is a walking corpse. He's patriotic so of course he's gonna want to reclaim alliance territory, but not as much a holy nutcase as people seem to think. If he did play a role in something like a Light invasion, it would be his short fuse that would cause issues more than his faith. Say he joined up with Yrel somehow, he'd end up a repeat of Sylvanas… Getting Pikachu face as soon as she starts enslaving everyone after conquering the Eastern Kingdoms.
New class: Janitor. Assists with maintenance mode stability
10.0 will be dragon isle and bring back garlegron or however you spell it. They’ll use him to go after Zooval.
Wow lore (ignoring Warcraft 1-3) wasn't great at its peek, and particularly now its just a big dumpster fire. The less they focus on lore the better. Make things generic and stop pushing storytelling in our faces because they are absolutely no good at it. They can build worlds great, but not stories. The biggest problem is now they opened such a big can of worms that makes it almost impossible to turn things back. They already destroyed so many good characters and took away any mystique about the world.
I don't want to see any "the Light is evil" bullshit cliche. I find the concept pathetic and of no interest in the warcraft franchise. If they want to say the Light is not perfect, and people can make mistakes while following it…fine. We knew that already. But trying to make the Light out as if it is evil is a total violation and contradiction of the lore which made us like the franchise in the first place. Before the replacement woke devs started their unethical violations.
Why not just have her be in a coma? And being that alliances were forged between the horde and alliance.. seems to me Blizz will likely do away with factions unless they have something massive cause a new rift between them
Yeah, seeing a little more infighting from the alliance standpoint would be interesting.
I had a thought about when you were talking about small stories. I think one thing they can do after Shadowlands is bring back Thrall to Outland Nagrand and have the Horde story trying to save what is left of Outland. You can bring in player housing and farms as the efforts are successful. Plus you can have conflict between the Naruu aka the Light wanting it done in a specific way against how other factions want to do it. Small stories, permanent player features that is not player power, and exposition.
Respectfully disagree. Do not cater to the fans(Lore), they will crap on it no matter what the next expansion lore is. I enjoy the mystery. What needs to be addressed in next expansion is game play, systems hault. Whether it's back in Azeroth or elsewhere is not important, if we have fun playing, it almost doesn't matter where they take the lore.
Wow lore has honestly reached the point where i would bet fanfiction writers would have a better story.
But if we’re making wishlists, can we actually get the characters dealing with what happened to them? Jaina and Thrall were tortured, and Jaina already came from being tortured in bfa. I would like to see them do character development in full and in the game, not on a book
I still trust Blizzard has a great story in store for us and they have had it planned even way before Shadowlands was released. Unfortunately the company's greed has made it so that the delivery of said great story is crap. Firstly, locking important stuff outside the game simply to sell more books. Secondly dragging the story across long ass patches/expansions just to keep the game on life support for longer, although the story was not writen to be dragged on like this. All this makes it impossible to follow the story and fails to pull us in.