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The Fury Warrior Freakuency slaps around some Fury Warrior PvP clips built for your satisfaction and cybernetic enhancements. I hope you enjoy these short, ballistic events of a strange Warrior tormenting various kings.
WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.0.5 Fury Warrior PvP
Freakuency’s Armory:
Song: The Alternative Polka by WEIRD AL
You hear faint music over the dunes. It's getting louder, you can almost make out the lyrics. Suddenly, a warrior heroic leaps onto you as the chorus hits, " I want to have some fun" and you get annihilated. Great content 20/10
Freak, I don't think you're hitting hard enough, mate. Could you try a bit better next time?
Lol jk 10/10 would smash again.
1:46 cough
Is it better to run 2h or 1h? And why? Im a noob warrior. Good video as always!!
Hey freak , great video. What you think about venthyr ? Still think kyrian is better overall cuz of vial.
Hey freak ! Your videos are awesomeee. I have a question, why did u swap to kyrian ? Is it any better than venthyr ?
How I'd wish I could have my personal healer so I could run around with a fully stacked death wish buff. Sure looks fun 😛
What’s your take on necro and NF fury?
how is such power allowed?? love u fam
Wow, warriors really do scale great with gear.
Do you feel like fury is almost as competitive as arms? Especially in say 2s? Awesome video btw!
hotmogu UNF UNF UNF !