Read more about Shadowlands ➜
As we get close to Shadowlands, the channel has grown tremendously. Shout out to the Ret Paladin community for their amazing support. Once we hit 500 subscribers, I will give away an amazing prize!
See the contest rules below:
Must adhere to the Youtube community guidelines spelled out here:
Must adhere to all local, state, and federal contest rules in your area.
The only personal data that will be obtained is the minimum needed to deliver the prize to the winner.
YouTube is not a sponsor of your contest and entrants shall release YouTube from any and all liability related to the contest.
Thank you all for watching! Stay tuned and subscribe to Varaben’s YouTube Channel to always be kept up to date about World of Warcraft news, Ret Paladin content/guides, and more!
Avatar made by Alinery (
Shoutout to Neiko Zarfati for the sick intro!
Ways to support the channel:
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#RETPRESENT t-shirt please, gl to all who enter 🙂
#RETPRESENT I would prefer the wow game time personally; however, it is cool to see your channel grow as far as it has. Here is to 500 more in the future.
#RETPRESENT id like the t-shirt please. Mained a paladin in TBC then stopped playing. Came back for shadowlands with some friends and sticking with the paladin good or bad, your channel has been good for coming back
#RETPRESENT I prefer the wow game time, very good chanel with good tutorial for retribution. Gl everyone
Yoo #RETPRESENT game time for me. Congrats on the growth mate
#RETPRESENT Glad to see your channel is growing, been following you for a little bit now and it's really great content for us rets. Would like wow game time!!! Good luck reaching 500 and far beyond that !
#RETPRESENT A T Shirt for the Ret paladin fan club would be awesome! So glad to have found a youtuber as ret crazy as i am
Nice job
#RETPRESENT, I'm on the side of the custom T-shirt. Nice to hear your channel is growing beyond your expectations.
T-shirt all the way! #RETPRESENT showing love for the paladins class.
#RETPRESENT Awesome channel, it gives really good insights on the ret spec, something that is hard to find. I would prefer a varaben tshirt 😀
Excited to see you switching it up and using a camera. Good luck reaching 500 , and I think I'd like game play 👍
Commenting here , not cause of the giveaway,, I just cant find any decent content regarding retri paladin on youtube or twitch. No 1 is playing it on twich(almost). All the "great streamers" are playing broken 2 button specs and i am sick of it:P Actually i am not sure which clas to play and i think i could try a pladain main (after 16 years of wow). Gl with your channel.
A custom T shirt would be awesome….. love the content keep up the good work.
Keep the vids coming bro,
I don't want any of the merch just here for support 👍
Hey Varaben, You'll channel and content has made me super keen to play ret into Shadowlands, love the guides and updates to the spec. Onwards and upwards to 1,000 subs and more! #RETPRESENT (wow token will be fine) 🙂
#RETPRESENT just happy to see great Ret content!! Shirt if giveaway still happening would be great. Honestly just happy to have ret channel to go to that i really enjoy
A winner has been chosen! Thanks for all who participated!!