Fresh 80 Elemental M+ Run | Mastering Every Role – RDPS Ep. 1

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This run was so fast I could barely catch my breath commentating it!

Healer spec voting:
Melee DPS spec voting:
You can vote once per day, every day until the new role series starts!

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The plan for this series is to hit 2000 RIO on every role; Tank, Healer, Melee DPS and Ranged DPS. 2000 isn’t all that high of a rating, realistically you can get it without even clearing +8 keys, but my goal will be to try and make this educational, showing that I do actually know what I’m talking about to some extent!


31 thoughts on “Fresh 80 Elemental M+ Run | Mastering Every Role – RDPS Ep. 1”

  1. That a 50 DKP minus !!!

    Moar DOTS moar DOTS, NOW!!!
    Okay, listen the fuck up! You are going to DPS very, very slowly. Now! And by "slowly", I mean "fucking slow". If you get aggro, it means you're going to lose 50 DKP 'cause you didn't know what the fuck to do! And watch the fucking tail! If you get kicked into the Whelps, you lose 50 DKP again for not being where the fuck you were supposed to be.
    Man Vlad, you make me feel really old with that reference.

  2. hey going into s2 would you be interested in doing a duo zero to hero with a consistant 3k + rated m+ tank but ill play another roll to make it interesting. i tanked a dungeon many moons ago with ya on the monk when you were playing the fire mage xD you seemed like a cool dude been keeping up with your vids since and it seems like a super fun concept

  3. Man delves is such a divider, I'm loving delves and really look forward for S2 where I have a reason for 11s.

    I used to get KSM/KSH in BFA/SL, stopped playing in dragonflight and came back for TWW, my personal life doesn't really allow me to raid or do M+ hence delves have been my way of gearing and challenging myself and it's been much fun.

  4. I leveled 4 toons to 80 because of timewalking and anniversary daily bonus (4-5 levels a dungeon was crazy) and the ques switching has to be a bug, because it happened a lot to me and it was such a waste of time even doing the dungeon.


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