Fresh Level 60 – How is Catching Up on an Alt in Shadowlands??

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In today’s video I discuss the experience of a freshly dinged level 60 character in Shadowlands! How does that catch-up play??

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Thanks for watching, see you all next time! 😀

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20 thoughts on “Fresh Level 60 – How is Catching Up on an Alt in Shadowlands??”

  1. You’re playing the game about the same as me with Alts I think. I’m enjoying it a lot as well. The necrolord campaign story has been my favorite. Night fae one had a slow start for me but the ending was enjoyable. Thanks for the informative video!

  2. get cheap BoE gear, then do m0 / low m+ until raidfinder is available
    then do pvp to fill out slots you could not get
    then do higher m+ (6-8)/ normal nathria
    finished leveling my alt last Tuesday (9 days ago), its iLvL 205 now, was 200´before the weekly chest yesterday

  3. I feel like catching up is super easy concidering you get Renown from pretty much all daily activities including dungeons, dailies, callings, world boss. Gearing is also easy by buying 168ilvl gear -> mythic dungeons -> normal raids, or just doing battlegrounds and upgrading pvp gear (this week is BG bonus event, yay!) 😀

  4. Stopped playing mid BFA, been on FF Shadowbringers since. But I have a almost a 12 max levels of different classes, faction just sitting since BFA. What class would you suggest as a "main" to level 1st to 60

  5. I decided to level my first alt this week and decided to go Necro Ele/Resto Shaman. I'm lvl 58 right now, going through the Threads of Fate and I have had a very relaxed leveling experience queueing for dungeons while I do the WQs/Bonus Objectives and such. As soon as I hit 60, I'm taking down the World Boss that drops my BiS legendary power. I'll craft my legendary, probably try to heal some M0's if I can find the groups so I can gear Ele and then do Torghast for the leggo upgrades.

  6. Interesting. My alt is feral because I love feral and balance felt too weird for me. Havent done serious content with him yet but looking forward to learning pvp with him as a noob since i find it very fun to use feral druid’s toolkit and burst. My main is unholy dk but might change once i play on druid for a bit.

  7. This is what we know so far with Renown

    You get sometimes with dungeons
    You get sometimes with raid
    You get sometimes with pvp

    All these 3 have the same drop rate that is completely random no matter the difficulty

    Callings do give renown a lot of the times, but not always
    World boss always gives a Renown, except if you have catch up
    And both daylies gives Renown

  8. The fact that your generic table troops' level is based on the mean or median of the named companions is stupid. My generic followers were level 34. I picked up 3 brand new level 1 companions amd their level dropped down ro 26. RIP doing the tougher missions. And since the xp missions are gone, it's hard to level them up. Terrible design: being punished for improving the table and getting new companions.

  9. I went LW on my main so was able to craft 168 gear for all slots and fill gaps with cheap AH 168. With the 200 trinket for 3k gold you can easily gear up to 165 ish ilevel within minutes of lvl 60. A bit of renown and one or two drops (WQs world boss jailer etc) and you will be doing RF for 197 loot within the first hour of reaching 60


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