Time Skip AFTER Shadowlands? Can it Work?

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What could a time skip post WoW Shadowlands mean?

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12 thoughts on “Time Skip AFTER Shadowlands? Can it Work?”

  1. Ion pretty much confirmed in his latest interview that we won't be getting WoW 2, which would certainly had to involve some sort of a time skip. So i don't think they would even want to go for it in the current game. Maybe, but unlikely i would say…

  2. 10-20 years could be doable as well if we just want to fix the world meaning we return to a new map. This new map bear the healed scars of the Cataclysm, Teldrassil have stopped smoking (or perhaps not), destroyed villages and towns has been rebuilt. A completly new map can also be larger, adding in room for more activites. Suddenly tiny villages are now towns, single houses/farms are villages and so much more. This could allow for many new quests back home in Azaroth. Sure crossing Elwynn forest on foot may take double or triple the time but The Tower of Azorah could become a questhub with an entire village sorrunding it.

  3. No, they won’t do a time skip, unless they can find a good way/time to split the pc’s off from the wow protagonists. For example we get separated from Jaina and co. on the way home and they make it back back but we are forced to find another longer way.
    Or even have an expansion without the A list cast?
    (I’m know there are portals, but I’ve been wondering if there might be a reason why they haven’t at least popped back, other than Anduin being in the mess he’s currently in)

  4. We have talked about this before in the way time moves in the SLs, and it has been said that it doesnt move much different then reality, but what if it did. Maybe it still could after reading the lastest Ion interview that 9.2 is coming and more but he didnt want to spoil it. What if Zovaal does something to the way the time flows in his attempt to reach the Sepulcher, if he isnt there already. I mean if somehow he messed with the mechanisms of the clockmaker or something else and then time in reality jumped ahead 2, 5 or 10 years, but we are protected because we're still in the SLs and it isnt effected by time the same way. They have retconned things before and I think there still may be a chance for a revamp or a reset as it were on Azeroth.

  5. If this 'time skip' thing is something that Blizz might use to justify a 100% revamp of the game without the need to have to wait for multiple exps in order to fix a freaking wall somewhere, then yes, i dont mind if we skip not 200 BUT 2000 years ahead!

  6. 5 year to 10 year skip could work if they use this as the catalyst of the light and yrel attacking Azeroth. And we come back and they have almost conquered our world. We could beat them back.

  7. Guild Wars 2 literally did just that where it takes place a few hundred years after the events of Guild Wars 1. I remember back when I used to play both games, I used to be really into the lore of the first game. When the second game came out, I felt way too disconnected with the game's new setting because it was so far removed from the first game that the lore of the first game was hardly relevant in the second game due to things like the characters, cultures, and landscapes from the first game being long dead or altered too much to no longer resemble what it once was.

    If WoW were to do this, it would probably have the same effect and might be alienating for a lot of players that like WoW's current setting. However, a part of me wants that to happen as I feel the current game's lore and setting is too convoluted to keep going and needs a reset to get rid of a lot of bloat.


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