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DW vs 2-Hand, stat priority, talents, legendaries, covenants, Rotation, healing, conduits, and gearing! The Ultimate Guide to PvP as a Frost Death Knight now that we are in the Shadowlands expansion!
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Videos & Articles Referenced:
2-Hand vs DW –
Rotation –
Macros –
Stat Diminishing Returns –
Music provided by Epidemic Sound, check them out at the link below!
Equipment that I currently use and recommend:
Mouse: Corsair Scimitar –
Keyboard: Corsair k70 LUX w/ Cherry MX Red Switches – No longer Available but I recommend Corsair!
Headphones: Sennheiser HD 280 Pro’s (no mic) best quality this Audiophile has ever found-
Big Mouse mat: Corsair MM300:
Microphone: Blue Yeti Pro Studio:
Audio Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 (2nd Gen) –
Mic Boom Arm: Rode PSA1 –
Webcam: Logitech c920 Pro –
All of the links under “My Equipment” and the “World of Warcraft Game Time” link are Official Amazon Affiliate links which means that I get a small commission when you click the link and buy the item. This does NOT increase the cost of the item! Amazon pays this to me as a “finders fee”.
It’s another way to show your support and help me out by buying the items you already want and/or need!
00:00 Intro
00:24 DW vs 2-Hander
02:12 Rotation
03:24 Healing and Survivability
07:07 Talents
15:28 PvP Talents
18:55 Legendaries
21:00 Covenants
26:17 Conduits
28:36 Gearing and Itemization
31:58 Runeforges
How are you enjoying Frost Dk so far? Have any questions? Let me know! 😀
My frosty dude….im frost dk 4 life…dual wield
seems to me blizzard intend for frost dk to scale stronger later down the patches its almost as if they want dk to be upper bracket later patches ahead
Have you watched Notmes's recent dk pvp guide ? Flarkness put one out aswell.
I see ome differencies, especially when talking about Death Pact that they both shame a lot.
Also glacial advance which is kind of awkward to use properly
Notmes also stated that he would run 2H dk with razorice enchantement instead of fallen crusader, which I kind of agree with currently
testing DW and 2H frost this next 2 days, been UH, finding UH hard defending myself, seems monks, pallys just seem to shut me down faster than before, things seem very bursty, going through my defences quickly, leaving me with a slow death unless i get the jump on them. If i have pet dmg rolling while kiting its ok, as frost i need to find the style that suits me best. Just a shame my server Kazzak just keeps resetting or has queues of 3hrs constantly, even at 4pm today it was 1 hr queue, last night was 3.5hrs, its killing my game time at present. I do however like DK at present def my favorite expansion start.
Kinda disapointed on frost. Uh feels sooo much stronger atm.
I understand vers mastery but isn`t vers haste also a vviable option? I am not any expert but was wondering if having haste wouldn`t help get more obliterates and frost strikes in less time
Muy bien!
I thought that Hypothermic was busted and didnt work properly?
This is the first time in probably 4 years I've been excited by PvP; we can get gear, frost 2H is back with emphasis on BIG obliterates…. Hoping Blizz doesn't add anymore systems on top of all the ones we have lmao
Hey man, cool vid!
How much do your oblits hit for unbuffed and non crit pls?
No time stamps ;(
please make a Frost PvE guide! having trouble with my dps in dungeons, and really don’t want to have to turn to UH as i love the play style of frost
Why does nobody have blood dk pvp. I swear ima make it a thing when my pc fucking ships lol
I really appreciate the video. I barely get to play now a days and I’m slowly leveling my dk. I was afraid that it would’ve been a waste of time but I don’t think that’s the case anymore. Thank you and cheers!
Dear Xodas, I appreciate the work you have put in to inform people about the spec. I am a DK main since WotLK, I was both hopeful and excited about frost on ptr but at this moment in SL, we are clearly are not in a good spot pvp wise. The only good thing I can say about frost that BoS lasts even longer than it did in Legion but when we look at the 2H obliteration build.. our damage is still mediocre compared to other classes. There are classes out there who can eat our burst and just laugh at our faces, sad but true. Yet I am fond of the fact that you do play the spec and represent it. I as well still pvp as frost and inform the devs about the class’ issues on a daily basis. I hope the required action will be taken by them soon.
How good is necrolord for pve dps ?
im runing kyrian rn but im not sure if i should keep it long term because of mastery decay
Blizz should just rework obliterate rank 2 to ALWAYS do frost damage and be done with it, it feels awful to press without a proc.
I have the “Dessia’s Decimating Decapitator” Mythic 184ilvl with crit mastery. So there are some weps with mastery
what if you go over the mastery cap and get diminishing returns?
Thank you
Thanks for the video. Will you release a PVE guide as well?
The spec is dog shit sorry it really is… unholy has the upper hand by far
the sound in this video was tripping me out. I thought my headphones were fritzing out
I've got a nice 177 ilvl, with verse on most pieces, but sadly my mastery is actually pitiful. I've seen hazzed's oblits and they are absolutely massive, mine are terrible in comparison, but even so I still feel like I can melt people, at least in burst outside of burst well…luckily it's on a 1 minute cd. You would think the extra haste and crit(and verse I suppose) would make the sustained a little more substantial but I still see barely any KM procs
Venthyr doesn't really have much synergy, but it's not completely terrible. The cd lines up with your pillar of frost, and it costs a rune so it's not a total waste of a gcd after remorseless. It hits almost as hard as breath of sindragosa(with my lack of mastery anyways), which is kind of hilarious but I think that says more about how bad breath is(and good mastery) than anything.
About Cold Heart, isn't it good for burst damage? We use Chains of Ice during pvp a lot anyway, and its normal hit when stacked deals same dmg as crit Obliterate for me usually.
I also wish you would tell more about secondary covenant skills. For example, Night Fey D&D is shit in pvp, but we get great mobility skill with it and we lack mobility on DK.