Bro U gotta not post this shit it's one of the worst specs in the game currently…and these dumb shit Devs take everything you content creators say as gospel
This dude runnin round with the name gay pp but I get perma banned for saying a fucking curse word? Exactly why I ain’t comin back to this fucking dog awful company
All the DK button bashers in the chat xD It's broken because it's doing all that damage while having a strong level of control/presence. DKs should never be strong.
DUDE YES Frost is back .. but they will nerf this for sure again .. typical bliz marketing scheme ,buff a class , gain subs then nerf within a month or two – then buff other classes and specs and get sub gains for that as well and repeat .
The dk did that much damage because all 3 of them plus the warlock pet stacked so he could cleave all 4 with obliterate and the riders .This almost never happens specially with 2 casters . #helpfrostdk
The combo. Blinding Sleet>Frostwyrm Fury>Remorseless Winter Stun. It's about a 7 second whole team stun unless they trinket or DR and get out. Frostwyrm Fury should be a slow (Tree Talent) , or remorseless winter shouldn't stun at all (PvP talent).
I don’t wanna hear it. Frost DK needs all the help they can get.
Broken? That's it's only 1.5m win condition what are you talking about lol
Then fire mage must be broken too lol you did the same damage
Bro U gotta not post this shit it's one of the worst specs in the game currently…and these dumb shit Devs take everything you content creators say as gospel
Does the same damage
man that other guy is broken
This dude runnin round with the name gay pp but I get perma banned for saying a fucking curse word? Exactly why I ain’t comin back to this fucking dog awful company
All the DK button bashers in the chat xD It's broken because it's doing all that damage while having a strong level of control/presence. DKs should never be strong.
DUDE YES Frost is back .. but they will nerf this for sure again .. typical bliz marketing scheme ,buff a class , gain subs then nerf within a month or two – then buff other classes and specs and get sub gains for that as well and repeat .
Same as always, frost dk dogshit entire time gets buffed a little then everyone moans until it’s nerfed
because frost dk pads aoe damage almost every button push barely splashes everyone makes them seem more potent than they are
The dk did that much damage because all 3 of them plus the warlock pet stacked so he could cleave all 4 with obliterate and the riders .This almost never happens specially with 2 casters . #helpfrostdk
The combo. Blinding Sleet>Frostwyrm Fury>Remorseless Winter Stun. It's about a 7 second whole team stun unless they trinket or DR and get out. Frostwyrm Fury should be a slow (Tree Talent) , or remorseless winter shouldn't stun at all (PvP talent).
Broken was balance druid convoke in 9.0
3 KB in 2 seconds.
Supa you are losing it brother…from shorts how to enable nameplates to shorts sayig frost DKs are just broken…change the dealer broski 😂
Before update my frostfire bolt dealt 1.2 mil now 700-800k what happend
2m-15m damage in 4 or 5 seconds lol
Use Def CDs
Not broken at all … just a good set up ….
Nerf chillstreak
Calling fdk broken is wild. So easy to shutdown fdk with cc
Oh be quiet