Shadowlands MM Hunter Rotation made easy to understand

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Shadowlands hunter rotation made easy. All the videos I watched made it over complicated or difficult to understand just wanted to make something quick for all the Hunter boys out there.


28 thoughts on “Shadowlands MM Hunter Rotation made easy to understand”

  1. Needed this!!! Just switched from BM Hunter. Only problem is…I have my W and S keybinded to different talents…for lack of a better word. So not sure how to strafe left and right. Yes i need a gaming mouse as well lol! Just subbed.

  2. Is it not worth holding on to your first Aimed Shot + Double tap until you have cast Wild Spirits and TS? This way you get the mastery + haste buffs for your double tapped aimed shot, making the rotation like DT + steady + pull + steady + Wild Spirits/TS/trinkets + Aimed Shot + etc. Or is it a huge dps loss not to cast DT + Aimed shot right at pull?

  3. Im leveling a hunter for the first time and this viedo started out good, but then at the end when he actually showed the rotation he popped trinks and threw some steady shots in there literally not doing what he said. Ill come back once i feel more comfortable with playing as a hunter but this kind of confused my noob mind haha. I didnt learn alot from this still tho so thanks! I hope to see more of your videos.

  4. Can you do one for daily quests/leveling?
    Is the pet weak enough that best bet is to lone wolf?
    Also, what's rotation as far as a normal mob goes. Single target or multiple. I went Kyrian so keep that in mind. Mayne not even a video just an explanation.
    So trueshot/lock and load, aimed, rapid fire,, arcane, disengage, concussion, aimed, mob dead?

    I have no idea for multiple add mob. I like BM but the rotation is a bit too simple and I tried MM once and the damage was nuts but I couldn't kite without pulling a bunch of adds and dying or coming close so figured I was doing something wrong

  5. THANK YOU. Returning to play with a friend, tried to look this up on a few sites and holy shit, so complicated sounding. This is perfect. I know there are nuances, but FFS.


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