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Some of you have been asking how to play frost DK in rbgs. This should give you a bit of an idea! Enjoy!
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#WorldofWarcraft #MMORPG #Gaming #pvp #Shadowlands #deathknight
I definitely thought we were gonna lose this one lol.
Why do all your videos have the lowest resolution?
Who's target calling in there? I would've thought they'd make you do it
Can you do a dk guide like savix did for paladin
hey i have a question : is unholy viable after the necrotic strike buff? and if not why?
Is it omnibar you use for cd’s?
How do you set it up, looks sweet
8:03 🤣🤣
Man I wish I would have gear….
what do you think of the new unholy buffs? is there any setup to make it viable at least in 2s? frost feels very frustrating to play in 2s due to depending on chillstreak alot
Which soulbind your using?
More power to your channel!
I learned a lot about frost DK!
Keep it up!
hey man big fan. as far as the druid being immune i think he was rocking the guardian legendary that is like rage of the sleeper i think. Its the old legion artifact first trait. it makes berserk grant leech increase dmg and immune to cc during berserk. I THINK.
Hey what type of rotation do you use for single target, just started playing frost