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:Disclaimer: In this video i forgot to take certain things into consideration. I totally forgot about the second potency conduit that we are getting as frost when we are venthyr. Also i forgot to mention that im comparing 222 ilvl fire mage to a 212 frost mage on shriekwing. Also i didn’t mention that all high end players are mostly playing fire right now and not frost so thats also something. So that will effect aswell on how the class is gonna compare for end game content.
Hello everyone ItzzDivinity here with a video where im going to talk about the upcoming changes for frost mages in the shadowlands. We are getting a 9% damage buff!!!!! Lets goooooo. To be honest i don’t think this is gonna be enough to push them to the higher ranks of dps. But i do think they will be getting towards the middle of pack where they are gonna be close to arcane dps wise.
The article:
the office meme lmao, good vid
We still haven’t done the math of getting the second potency conduit for frost yet. On the fire logs you were looking at had 2 potency conduits already. Now I don’t know if it will make up 1.2k dps difference but it will come really close. Another 8% buff on ice lance from the conduit will help substantially
frost was loòking so good in beta.. great to know they are getting buffed but 9% isnt gonna be nearly enough.. we might be able to beat the tanks
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looking directly to wcl and adding 9% to their best parse is really just false data. all really good mages are playing fire so obviously frost parses suffer because none of the top tier mages are playing it and also frost players generally have way less gear compared to fire players so you cant just add 9% to best parses and act like frost will be well over 1k dps behind and also like someone said frost will get some power once they get their second potency
Another thing to keep in mind is that no really high ilvls are in the top parses for frost, e.g. you compared a 221 fire mage to a 212 frost mage
All the comparisons you did now were in the raid, but what about mythic+?
9% is not enough. It's too damn small! For frost to become playable, need +30%, not 9%! THIS IS VERY SMALL!!!
In any case, I'm already switching to a fire, I don't care. Blizzards just scoff when they nerf mages at the beginning of the expansion, and then return the damage. Are they having problems with logic? Who are these people who deal with balance, do they even play with them? For what they are paid, they need to be fired, they need to hire others, these people are not doing their job! Now everyone I know has switched to fire, and there is nothing wrong with that, the fire is cool, but for example, I played the prepatch with frost, and I liked it, I was expecting something like this now, but no, I just lost time, ashes to create legendary things for ice, in the end I hardly close the 10 key when I closed the 20 in the prepatch. Sorry for my English.
Yeah this video feels really superficial and poorly researched and overall low efford. I don't disagree that fire will probably remain as the best spec for this tier but the data presented was very lackluster especially since it fails to account for the fact that most serious players that care about progression will naturally go to the best spec.
Yey and i just switched to fire 😀
At 1st boss You compared 212 Frost mage to 221 Fire mage: D. No idea if the Ilvl will be a case for frost 😉 ? Anyway Hopefully it will change something
And Frost need Venthyr for maybe 5% dmg Fire Arcane play Night Fae
well i love frost but i am sticking with fire for the time being! tks for the video bro
i guess with 2 potency and allowing the use of the ice lance % buff along with an overall 9% buff we might be able to perform fairly well now
Hey Kerel/Buddy!
People are hyping over the fact it's a +9% damage buff; however Blizzard has been inconsistent how they implement this.
Frost mage damage aura is currently set at -19% as seen here on wowhead:
Now, if they just remove 9% off of this debuf at set it at -10% damage then the damage increase will actually be ~11.11%.
Let's say hypothethically your frostbolt hits 100 damage:
Current spec aura in place is -19% damage. So do [100 * 0.81] = 81 damage
Potential new spec aura is -10%. So do [100 * 0.90] = 90 damage.
That's a difference of ((90/81) * 100 )-100 = 11.11% difference!
Now let's hope Blizzard does this, as they have done before in the past! They are really inconsistent with it as I already said; They might lower the spec aura to about -12% to achieve that 9% buff… But I honestly think that won't happen. Typical Blizzard aye?
Don't forget the Venthyr second potency conduit for frost's ice lances! Like 8% on icelances? Sick, that's another 2-3% total buff probably! Maybe even more to be honest! Didn't do that math yet.
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I switched from Venthyr Frost to Night Fae Fire, now I wish I hadn't and just stuck it out a little longer. Obviously being Night Fae Frost isn't terrible, but I still thought Mirrors of Torment was very nice to have as frost. This is where being locked into a covenant is just more frustrating than anything.
A 9% buff to all spells does not equal a 9% total damage increase. It is not linear and you have to take into account the synergy between the spells. Your math are too simplistic and inaccurate. I think that frost will become a stable damage output beast in mythic plus. As for the raid honestly who cares. Raiding is dying, not enough loot from the raid anymore, too easy and boring. But they will probably performed top tier on cleave fights and AOE fights in raid. Keep on the good work!
The issue with all of you guys is youre totally relying only on your dps calculations and not on the different playstyles of your specs. Everything, nearly everything is only dps atm in this game, jesus christ wow is more than raiding. Frost would be absolutely op when raising it to fire damage output, it wouldnt make any sense.