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Hey guys, it’s been a long time since I made a long video, but reviewing my first PvE Frost Mage Guide of the expansion it’s pretty much outdated. Due to that reason I made this guide, not super focused on Talents as my first. My focus is mainly on the most important parts in my opinion, DPS opener and rotation with different legendary powers and Venthyr Covenant (which wasn’t super covered in my first video).
I hope you guys will find it helpful and enjoyable. If you do please leave a like and consider subscribing!
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#wow #frost #shadowlands
0:00 Introduction
0:47 Talents
2:48 Conduits/Soulbinds
3:55 Stats
4:44 Legendary Powers
6:10 Glacial Fragments Rotation
9:30 Slick Ice Rotation ST
13:28 Slick Ice Rotation Cleave
16:02 Freezing Winds Rotation ST
18:55 The End
We can hit shatter cap. Ultimatezero from Illidan-US did that. But he got perfect gear from GV and raid.
My tips are:
1. Never cancel your casts, even if you are casting frostbolt and are about to consume Brain Freeze and FoF appear, always finish your cast followed by Flurry and 2xIL.
2. When Mirrors of Torment grants you Brain Freeze you can still pre-cast frostbolt followed by your flurry since MoT proc can't occur more than once every 6 seconds, but if you get another Brain Freeze proc after your frostbolt cast, this one has to be cast immediately.
3. While fighting Huntsman Altimor cast your MoT at his dogs since Altimor himself do not proc it well. Sometimes MoT is gone before it grats you 3 Brain Freezes.
4. When using Freezing Winds legendary power cast your MoT after your frozen orb expires.
The arcane dream is still alive!
Sorry I know this is Frost but I've been practicing a few days now and I'm almost at the point where I feel depressed just thinking I'll never get fire combust rotation right.
I need to ask, how the fuck is someone supposed to get that 8th Pyroblast in the crit pre cast rotation? Cause I see the image but the last Phoenix Flames never hits the target before the freaking combust is over and I don't get that 8th Pyro.
And in the precast crit my 7th Pyro almost never hits the target before Combust is over so I think it's never a crit. Is this right? I'm not a Troll I'm a Nightborne with 587 Haste and I refuse to race change to troll (I hate how transmogs look on them) and I also refuse to use a one click macro, I love hard rotations (the only caster I've ever played in an MMO is Summoner in FFXIV with that beautiful 2 minutes rotation and I mastered it).
I'm wondering if this has to do with Phoenix Flames travel time cause the GCD is always over before the flames connect and I'm left waiting for a few miliseconds for it to connect to the target and get the Pyro or if it's my latency (I play from Uruguay with 170 ms). Can any other mage partner deny or confirm specially if you play with similar latencies? If it is just practice then I'll keep going if it is something outside of my control I might even stop using the mage cause I won't get the enjoyment of saying that I dominate the tight rotation everytime I cast it.
How u get 226 conduits?
Oh u are not NF fire mage anymore ? why did u changed to venthir frost mage ? Just curious
Good stuff Marko. I was waiting for this guide.
it was nice talking to you on stream. hopefully more to come
I see your frozen orb cd is like so fast during your glacial fragments part. Why is that so?
What do you mean you cant hit cit cap? You totally can, my char is 205 ivl, and he have 34% crit chance. And its really makes frost spec shine. Main problem with the frost spec is, dependence on "keep casting to recharge IV". So many times enemies will die long before your IV recharge close to 1 min. Even more so, when tanks faкc ups in mythic+ pugs, and keep on pulling 2-3 mobs at a time, with long (5-10 sec) wait times between pulls, you could just run out IV long before you had a chance to recharge it, and then when you near the boss you dont have your CD. And alternative to it, is not to use IV at all.
Thank you so much. This helped me a lot! <3
Hi bro! I really liked the video! I have a query can you pass your macros?
With 3+ targets it is still beneficial to cast mirrors when using glacial fragments? I assumed it was a dps loss since the majority of our damage is from glacial fragments.
Hey Marko nice vid mate. Just wanted to ask, in tyrannical weeks isn't it worth it to go with Freezing winds for m+? And if so, what's the multiple target rotation there cause I would guess there is no more need to spam ice lances(with no fingers of frost proc) without glacial fragments. Is it like it used to be frostbolt up to 2 targets and Blizzard at 3+ targets?
Hey @Markonicus nice video and good breakdown of the important imformation!
Does anyone know what Addon this is in the Endcut for the Character display?^^
Marko is frost good in rbgs?
For the talents, Ice Ward (row 40) is better for damage and Icy veins CD reduction. During frozen orb, pop nova > forzen orb crit on nova enemies. Crit = more dps AND icy veins CD reduction with Icy propulsion conduit 😉 You can almost be always under icy veins with this talent 🙂
Another great video from you as awlays! Simple short and ot the point! One quick question, as a nfae, do you use Shifting Power on ST at all? or in aoe?
Great video, ty!!!!
best dps is nice and all, but i went necrolords just for the awesome transmog 🙂
Hi new mage here. I just got freezing wind legendary. For 2+ enemy like in dungeon, the rotation similar to slick ice cleave?
advise which legendary to craft first??
Nice Video what u think are the best Trinkets?
Nice guide, however I did notice you are not shattering your flurrys nearly enough as you should. Unless you're just overrun with procs, you should be casting frost bolt before you use your flurry procs.
Hello, I was playing frost on BfA, I'm actually a healer main and after mid-seasons I switch to dps. I only play mage as dps and never tried other specs till now. I tried fire on SL but I literally can't like it. Now I'm back to frost but most of the things are changed I see. Is Venthyr better for frost?
Hajrá, magyarok!
i want to ask you whats the name of addon you using. When you casting spell that small table is different than default. You can see there that you can cast another spell fast that red end of it.
Can you explain what addons do you use on your interface?