Full Clear Torghast In The First Week Of Shadowlands! – Guides And Tips

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I took my experience in the Alpha and Beta to give some tips to aspiring players who want to full clear Torghast in the first week of Shadowlands for Soul Ash, the stuff to make legendaries.

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23 thoughts on “Full Clear Torghast In The First Week Of Shadowlands! – Guides And Tips”

  1. Thanks for the guide. Side question: I noticed the back piece your paladin has transmogged. How did you get that? I really want that one when SL hits but haven't found any sources on obtaining it.

  2. I dont know anything about SL. Ive been staying somewhat blind so everything appears new to me. That being said, Torghast is for level 60s only I assume? And is it releasing day 1 of SL or later on? Are we supposed to level from 50 to 60 AND complete this dungeon all within the first week??

  3. I just hit like before i watch the video, because it's always good!

    Question though: How does Torghast vary doing it Solo vs in a group. What if you need to help out a guildie? Or can you rather? Update: You answered it in the video!

  4. i think it depends on what class you play. if you dont have heal or bubble then or some op stuff then its really rough. if you dont have interrupt or dispel its not great. or fun parts when u run in 3 elites blocking a door and they can see you in stealth 😛

  5. Go in with 2 people. Makes it alot easier. I cleared 7. Difficulty with a friend, not even 160 itemlvl. We did it as warlock and rogue. If you get the 60% perma slow which spawns quite often, its ggwp and if you are lucky the rogue gets a buff that he doesnt take any dammage for couple seconds. There are some pretty op stuff and literally anything can be LoS'd.


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