FULLY AFK GOLD FARM! Make THOUSANDS of Gold Per Hour AFK! Shadowlands Gold Farm! | World of Warcraft

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Today we take a look at a fully AFK gold farm in World of Warcraft Shadowlands. This farm revolves around crafting cloaks on a tailor and selling them to a vendor, making guaranteed profit per cloak. This can make over 8k gold per hour, even if the shrouded cloth on your server is super expensive.
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#WorldofWarcraft #Gold #Farm

World of Warcraft, Shadowlands, Farm, AOE Farm, Mob Grind, Gold Farm, Glitch, Exploit, Epic Farm, Raw Gold Farm, Guides, Proffessions, Hidden Farms, Mount Farm, Hidden Mounts, Builds, Best Gold Farm, Best Farm, Cloth Farm, Ore Farm, Herb Farm, BOE Farm, New Farm, New Grind, Best Guides, Oribos, The Eternal City, Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, Revendreth, The Maw, Asmongold, Bald Withered, Torghast Tower of the Damned, Legendary Farm, Soul Ash Farm, Cosmetic Farm, Tank, Dps, Healer, Dungeons, Normal Dungeons, Heroic Dungeons, Mythic Dungeons, Mythic Keystone, Mythic+, Raids, LFR, Normal Raids, Heroic Raids, Mythic Raids, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior, Monk, Death knight, Demon Hunter, Blood, Frost, Unholy, Havoc, Vengeance, Balance, Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, Survival, Arcane, Fire, Frost, Brewmaster, Mistweaver, Windwalker, Holy, Protection, Retribution, Discipline, Holy, Shadow, Assassination, Outlaw, Subtlety, Elemental, Enhancement, Restoration, Affliction, Demonology, Destruction, Army, Fury, Protection,


7 thoughts on “FULLY AFK GOLD FARM! Make THOUSANDS of Gold Per Hour AFK! Shadowlands Gold Farm! | World of Warcraft”

  1. The amount of gold you can make from doing this while AFK is pretty nuts, the price for the cloth on my server is already slightly lower than this and even a few silver cheaper per cloth is going to add up when you're making thousands of cloaks.

    Going to be looking for more vendor farms like this, but cloth is just such an easy resource to farm compared to most other.

  2. sadly all cloth spots are confiremd nerfed even the arden one the mobs still spanw but they reduced the number of epic,grees, and cut the number of cloth drops by a half or more.


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