Fun Enhance Shaman Build – Witch Doctor's Wolf Bones – Patch 9.0.5 | Shadowlands | WoW

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Here is a really fun build I have been playing on my Enhance Shaman Alt. Let me know what you guys think!
#Enhance #Shaman #Build


13 thoughts on “Fun Enhance Shaman Build – Witch Doctor's Wolf Bones – Patch 9.0.5 | Shadowlands | WoW”

  1. The highest Sim Enhancement build is with Elemental Blast, Hot Hand, Spirit Wolf, Elemental Assault, Sundering, Elemental Spirits.
    That is paired with Witch Doctor's Wolf Bones and the Night Fae Covenant.
    This build sims 7,386 Single target vs the normal Venthyr Doomwinds build that sims at 6,645 Single target.

    Now Sims aren't always realistic to play. Fae Transfusion is a channel and Elemental Blast is a casted ability which is pretty odd for a melee toon.

    Just saying Witch Doctor's already sims the highest so this build you are speaking on is already validated by the computers.

  2. This helped me a ton, now I know what to go for. I started my enhancement journey again just recently and I’m adjusting to the rotations, but I’m only ilvl 170 I

  3. This gave me a lot of ideas to be able to play around with builds. I'm currently running doomwinds, but I'm ilvl 221 and stacked on mastery. I wonder if I could get those big pp ele blasts.


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