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Dragonflight: Fury Incarnate is live now! Earn new heritage armor sets, harness the power of the Dreamsurges, conquer the Dawn of the Infinite Mega-Dungeon on Heroic difficulty, and more!
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Epic trailer!
Love this style.
okay cool, but what about PvP? There is nothing again for the PvP community…
No eredars?
Enjoy your PTW game 🙂
Input lag fixed yet?
I'm actually surprised with how good the trailer was for this. Props to Blizzard!
it would be nice if ya guys fixed your report system instead of letting people automate report ban each other into oblivion
Fix solo shuffle and pvp. That is what you are paid for.
These trailers ain't it chief. Think about the TBC ones and earlier. Slow and steady with some extra narrative we haven't seen before. Michael Bay Transformers ain't it :/
Oh C'Thun huh
C’thun voice.. the heck that was random
Wow half of this was reused from the other trailer
Great trailer but light on content.
Thrall and Jaina need to come to the Dragon Isles and we all know it.
Nice trailer but meh, the most unhyped content ever.
what date is the launch?
Its Grom Hellscream.
This is amazing! HYPE!
wow is on the right track
WOWOWOW can somebody tell me if the Silver Hand Order shield is already aviable in the game?
<3 Matt mercer
wow cant match the quality of wc3 story
where are the other 2 color variants
Please make all curriencies account bound 🙏🏻
YAWN. Show your downvotes you cowards
Can you pass on to activsion NOT TO TOUCH HARDCORE. Its great and has single handed revived WoW.
Tried the dawn heroic, awesome and really fun
The content can be interesting…but really? How we came to this kind of art design? Where we have lost all the beautiful drawings of characters and the whole world… Makes me miss the cinematics of Deathwing….and it was just an example of how those kind of masterpieces are lost
Uh. Banshee Sylvannas Windrunner is cool. Blood Elf Kael'thas Silver Covenant. Bantman.
is deathwing back? Man im looking forward to arthas returning
20 years later and we still fighting the same big lava rock elemantal model.
Why the wotlk cinematic trailers looks much better than this?
It is interesenting to see still player waste time for this game.Except from the guys fun with theiir friends to seek some laughing materials
Is it worth coming back to WoW?
What is waitig for us? <3
Why can't they just stick the 18+ label on the game and start making insane changes to the game and lore
So in the end the incarnates became the old gods puppet? More reason why the titans are right about azeroth.
Cartoonish Villians…. Uggg.
2004 grahics… dudes, reset it… move it on another engine… we have enought
love it!