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Audio Library:
Street Rhapsody – DJ Freedem
The Truth – Anno Domini Beats
True Messiah – DJ Freedem (1)
Like That – Anno Domini Beats
Sunday Rain – Cheel
Nice video
Sickkkk!!!!! Arms warrior here still grinding to a higher iLvl(currently at 159) Watching this the burst makes me a little jealous hahaha. I still love the super hard hits from Arms. But the speed of the fury is beautiful. Went with Venthyr for the Condemn. It hurts folks hahaha. But am still working on my rotation. Jus got a MMO mouse recently and freaking finally figured out how to bind the keys hahaha. Sorry to babble, great vid brother! Much love from Chicago!!!
ooooh i see now thats what i been doing and people call me trash bro, because i die too fast.. . im glad you are doing it too! love the videos !! fury warrior for life !
hey what you stacking cause i went full vers and mastery from the beginning and im slapping like this too!! no one wants to heal me however so i end up pretty melted
im at 196iL so i must just need heals or higher gear. i got over 40% mastery yesterday with my upgrade!!
your name, for i see your caract
Total carnage 😂
Cool vid bro. I love playing fury with aftershock blasting ppl
Try this, death wish 10 stacks, unhinged legendary spec into bladestorm, you will see 7-9k non crit ms and upwards of 16k in ur 3.5 sec BS
Omg. You are GREAT mate.
Can you pleas tell me your PC CPU and GPU, and what resolution you use, Hz monitor too. Amazing skills and smooth gameplay. You made my day. Gz
been looking for a vid like this. Throw us a guide !
I meen everyone can do this with saltwater potion + stat pot. Was a nice vid untill i saw that :/ + self buff item.
+ this build would suck in rated since you give everyone 50%dmg pump on ya 😛 Deathwish is a big no no in Rated, so good thing this was a casual 😉
nice vid but opening to look at damage every 5 sec is kinda nnoying to watch
💪🏻best warrior so far.
Man hold up
Vicious Boi… please run the WeakAuras that show your 2ndary stats! also, great vid! love seeing Fury do some damage!
shows which talents PVP uses please
now show us some real men pvp at any rated arena match.
Yea I remember 1 fury war in my 2k rbg, we won 1500 0…
I want Blizzard to tune down pvp healing so much that everyone just runs dps.
People with no vers are ez one shots. Nice killing freshies.
you got a furry guide on the way love to see what your running with
I searched in wow armory for player with name "Viciousboii" and it comes with zero results.
this must be a private server, how do you have two legendaries on? you have the intervene one that gives spell reflect to intervened allies and the one that casts bladestorm or avatar on recklessness cd
What a Mess this game is. Like star wars now
The fact you keep checking if you’re too kills or damage tells me you’re a bit narcissistic. Warriors in general do good damage. Nothing very impressive here.
Now do it in rated arenas! Always funny seein Tauren fury go HAM
do you usually que random bgs solo or group?
It was awesome to watch, you've got one more sub 😀
Op wet dream right there. Tauren
“ please stop i can only get so erect”
Dr KreigerHey bro nice video!! Whats the name of this addon that u use for bgs?
You going to jail now!!!
Can u write down ur transmog parts?