Fury Warrior Shadowlands Best in Slot Trinkets

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Going over the best in slot trinkets for Fury Warriors from the Castle Nathria raid, M+, PvP, and Inscription (darkmoon deck): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Jt2Aj82p7ks2A9zzNtY518PERTEMmQwfhtcDCt-h0wE/edit?usp=sharing
Streaming nightly at: http://www.twitch.tv/kelade

Check out my website for written guides: https://www.furywarrior.com/

I have a discord server now! Come hang out at: https://discord.gg/Vzmky3M

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kelade92

My Warrior’s Armory Link: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/tichondrius/Kelade

Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/kelade


23 thoughts on “Fury Warrior Shadowlands Best in Slot Trinkets”

  1. Great video kelade!
    I do have a weird idea that I want to shoot by you. What do you think of a fury warrior tank In shadowlands pvp/pve content? I have had this thought of using only a 2 handed weapon and shield only. Maybe swapping to titans. If you interested in my thoughts I can tell you more but do you think fury tank is possible?

  2. Hey Kelade, love your content. I have seen the fights in Nathria and for Mythic progression Arms seems better than Fury (judging by sims too in single target) . What is your opinion? I know you made a video about this but considering this week what's your opinion?

  3. hey kelade i would like to ask you have putted 2 from raid and in this video you suggest some others from dungeons what would be the bis combo from raid and dungeon i mean i have heard that you ned to use one trinket on use and one thats passive

  4. According to my blood Mallet Sims the decanter of Anima charged winds from the sanguine depths is my BIS for AOE and hectic add cleave situations. What are your thoughts on that versus some of the other AOE trinkets?

  5. Kelade what is your opinion on Single Minded Fury I prefer it over TG even though currently im playing TG due to not being able to get another 1H Weapon would love to know your input


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