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This video goes over how to figure out what items are actually worth crafting or not. This is meant for beginners and to just give you a few tips regarding Sale Rate and time spent crafting. There are many ways to go about this, so feel free to do what is best for you! This is meant for anyone, TSM users or Non-TSM Users, so we did not use any sort of custom strings; however, you can definitely do so if you’d like! Thanks so much for watching!
Basic Restocking TSM Tutorial:
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0:00 Intro
1:21 Factor #1 – Sale Rate
9:28 Factor #2 – Time Spent Crafting
13:54 Putting it all Together (Example)
16:55 An Important Mention
19:00 Outro
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#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide
thanks for the video! really helpfull <3
So hard to sell stuff i dont know if ppl docent know how the new AH works or just bots thats keeps undercutting. But Nice video
These are metrics people should absolutely be looking at! I have stacks of potions and food that I crafted last year that still haven't moved (they'll be vendored sometime this week), and while I've never been as consciously analytical about my crafting GPH, I have removed items simply because I haven't had time to craft them and see the profit number barely move.
Something else folks should take into consideration is tethering their selling prices to the region market average. I have had to go through multiple operations and factor in the region market average because there's no competition on my AH, and the the min/normal/max prices start to tick up because I'm controlling the market value. This might be only a low pop realm problem, but I could see it maybe being good for people to be aware of.
Finally, the edit was good imo. Had you not mentioned it, I wouldn't have thought you spliced things together for any reason other than necessity to keep the flow going.
I almost have my 2nd and 3rd characters 60. Once I do would it be worth funneling most of my gold to them to max their professions (thus making more income?) Or should I continue stockpiling gold through gathering (my only 60 has mining/herb)?
I watched your beginners guide to TSM yesterday on my daily commute (by bus I wasn’t driving😉). Gotta go through it again while having it open. Very helpful. This video too. Thanx for your willingness to share and teach.
Penguin! A great follow up to this is to show the ways to go about utilizing TSM to purchase the items needed to have all the materials to craft all these items in your queue ( As show in the video.) Is there a way to go about mass purchasing all the items needed at the cheapest prices to craft all of these items? Also, does this crafting queue remain if you switch characters that have the other professions needed?
When I import your free profile onto new characters I get a ton of AH errors due to the "crafting" part of the operation. How can I fix this on characters that aren't able to craft those items so I can post them on the AH?
I did this a few times using the restock que. Still have to go thru when I use it as it will list things that are not profitable. I'm guessing at the time it was but by time I get everything to craft sometimes they are no longer profitable.
I start leveling tailoring and leather working, I struggle a bit getting into the old content to find the trainers and I'm only level 15 😋 but crafting items with good sell rate I'm already seeing a small return of my investment.
Each time i see Longboi i see my personal failure. Im so mad at my self that i dont have it. And im also mad at blizzard that they made it BMAH only.
TL;DW – Watch penguins videos and copy everything without questioning u will get rich
Wouldn’t you be able to make a crafting operation string that takes the sale rate and profit into account such that you don’t have to manually always do this process? I’m no coder but wouldn’t it be possible with a logic function? If sale rate is lower than 0.10 and or profit lower than 20g per potion don’t restock or something like that?!
Hello penguin, great video! Im into crafted transmog and lot of items dont show sale rate, does it mean that they dont sell or just not enough data?
Very good information that i needed and will put to use thank you. I would really love to see a video like this on old world stuff and your view points on that. I really struggle with trying to find that balance in what will sell and what is profitable in stuff like alchemy, jewelcrafting, etc when it comes to old world stuff.