Fury warriors right now #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft

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36 thoughts on “Fury warriors right now #wow #worldofwarcraft #warcraft”

  1. I'm Loving the tears from beast master hunters. They been at the top for so long and now the only bm hunters you see are the ones that can't play another spec or class so it's easy to avoid them.

  2. Well I tell you what blizzard does such a great job at balancing it's amazing but it is in all seriousness it's like they do it on purpose make one class way powerful than the rest

  3. Where did you get that from? Discord is fine, if fury was dropping literally 10% places I think they would have been losing their minds. IIRC it's like a 2-3% dps loss for ST slayer fury.

    Edit: That is for "The War Within Season 1 DPS Rankings – Mythic Nerub-ar Palace During the Week of October 1st"

    For anyone who is NOT MYTHIC RAIDING. Fury warrior is more than in a good place right now.


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