Future Story For The Shadowlands, WHAT"S NEXT?! [Speculation Lore]

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We’ve escaped the Maw, explored the Shadowlands, chosen our covenants and Castle Nathria has been conquered! What’s next? Where will the story of the Shadowlands take us going forward? In this video I want to talk about some of the story they’ve been building up. Some of the hints we’ve gotten and speculate a bit about the future… I hope you’ll enjoy ^_^

Want More Lore?!
The Story of The Cosmic War of Warcraft: https://youtu.be/5vo21xdLM-U
The Story of/ What is Elune: https://youtu.be/ILYCeXmiBxY
The Primus Explains! A message for us all: https://youtu.be/utLsEJ9F-88
The Story of “The Pantheon of Death: https://youtu.be/K2I4bgY1IhU

Intro screen made by Pakulia: https://twitter.com/WowPaku

The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)

Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by: http://incompetech.com/
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®

Discord: https://discord.gg/FX2G46H

#Worldofwarcraft #Lore #Story #WoW


34 thoughts on “Future Story For The Shadowlands, WHAT"S NEXT?! [Speculation Lore]”

  1. Other realms of the Shadowlands could be the following…

    -A realm where gods or titans go when they die.
    -A realm where mortals go whom are killed by The Burning Legion, a desert of ash.
    -A realm where sea and aquatic life goes when it dies.
    -A realm where Trolls go when they die, to be reborn as another troll.

  2. I feel like after the expansion, the Mortal plane will be flooded with Clerics,Priest,Paladins and Warlocks from all the realms of death…selling afterlife plans if you join their sect/cult, wars between disagreeing factions, not just void and light… Life and Death cults will join.

    Like what Forgotten Realm lore has, like making a Bargain with a Lawful Evil Devil will garauntee you a seat in avernus as long as you deliver souls to Fund the efforts of the Bloodwar… And if you are like the employee of the decade you get to arrive in avernus in a limo to your penthouse with a view of phlegethos' fiery beaches and succu/incubuses serving you margaritas.

  3. It's late, and I'm just spit-balling after thinking about things for a bit longer. But, I can't shake the feeling that Denathrius is the "enemy of all". Death seems like a mortal issue from a character perspective (and game-wise – a slight inconvenience). Everything else seems to go, "Darn…let me rest in the Titan-Lands, Elemental-Lands, Old God-Lands, Void-Lands, Demon-Lands, etc., etc., etc., and I'll be back in 5 minutes." Of course, I think it would be better if the "enemy of all" was Death or the Jailer or something, but I can't shake the feeling things will play out like…

    ~ Eons Ago ~
    Denathrius enters stage right as a well respected member of existing

    Denathrius: " I can't bench press dimensions like I used to…"

    * Experiments *

    Denathrius: "….Hmm…these mortal sins seem like a good source of power. I'm positive my actions will bear no meaningful consequences."

    ~ Eons Later ~
    Denathrius enters stage left as a crazed, power-hungry autocrat hopeful


    * Hatches elaborate scheme to pit other Death-Titan-Land Leaders against Jailer *
    * Group creates Maw according to Denathrius's specifications and traps Jailer *

    Denathrius: "I propose I take over the roll of Hogwarts Sorting Hat."

    Other Death-Land Leader: "Let's call upon the Light to help us build an unbiased Hatsune Miku so no one gets corrupted by the immense power vacuum we've just created!"

    Denathrius: "I agree to be sorting ha-….wait whut?"

    * Creation of Arbiter *

    ~ Later on while Denathrius is fishing at Soul River ~

    Denathrius: "….Light, let me hold some power. I'll give it right back. The Arbiter told me she needed it."

    Honored Voice: "…"

    Light: "….I….I guess it'll be okay."

    * Denathrius conducts demented experiments that largely involve twisting Naaru flakes into Void Cereal *
    * Naaru Inquisition Arrives in Force *

    ~ Couple Years Before Present Day ~

    Denathrius: "Jailer…"

    Jailer: "…"

    Denathrius: " When we defeated you, I was being controlled by the light. "

    Jailer: " …? "

    Denathrius: "Let's team up to teach it and those traitors a lesson!"

    Jailer: Thinking "….whatever gets me out of here faster."

    Denathrius: Thinking " Soon, I shall be the ultimate sorting hat!"

    * Together an elaborate plan is carefully and meticulously constructed *

    ~ Present Day ~

    * Players Arrive … and subsequently escape the Maw *
    Jailer, Denathrius, Death-Land Leaders, and co. : "Nani?!?!"

    < Gameplay and stories fill in the rest >

  4. If the total amount of anime in the cycle is enough to fuel it, building the current system of the Shadowlands on top of that, a system that requires anima itself to run, will lead to red in the books.

    This could explain the creatures that hunger for anima, they used to have access to it.

  5. I'm wondering how many parents and child reunited moments we will see. We just tracked Thrall, so save him in a week (Draka). We already have the Fordragons and Morgrain. I am 50% sure we will see Varian at some point either used to break Anduin or save him. Maybe we will see Cairne and Baine (sp?) Too. I do think it will be overplayed by the end of SL.

  6. What if Sylvanas is actually good and only poses as a double agent here.
    Maybe she did alll of that to get close to the jailer and earn his trust to destroy is plans in the very end?

  7. the patches will involve the dragons and the light, there's a reason they were introduced to all new players in exiles reach and they both keep popping up in the shadow-lands. A place where they wouldn't usually belong.

  8. i really hope garrosh gets sent to maldraxxus and runs into thrall. drakka definitely strikes me as someone who loves her son but would make him redo the mak gorah that he cheated at. justice for garrosh!

  9. I am feeling an Arthas redemption story coming along with Uther and him and also Anduin involved! The machine of death could just have Sylvanas take over the maw in place of the Jailer. What does everyone think? xD Jaina could also fall! Calling it now ahaha

  10. Theory on the Backstory on the Jailor ( Zooval ) ..maybe spoilers? :

    When the Eternals gatherd…at least who was not dead or a betrayer… we saw a platform for each of them plus another broken, so five in total and these if i remember corecty are locatet where the zones of them are. We knew from the Primus that the jailer is one of them ( the eternals ) and most likley did have a zone to overlook ( most likley the Maw ) , and the broken Platform was his.

    Every part of the shadowlands does have a theme to it and depending on that the dead would be sorted to it and with this "Anima" will come to it naturaly. i think that Bastion,Ardenweald, Maldraxxus and Revendreth did get way more dead than the maw. And with that more anima.

    So in a way the maw did expierence a somewhat drougt all the time because only the real evil and bad of the universe would end up there like Guldan. but someone like Arthas would not end up in the maw and would first come to Revendreth, he did believe he did the right thing for his people and did get turned in the end, so he coul pay/atone for his sins. and i think that this would not be much.
    And so the Jailer became frustrated and in the end hated the system that the " first ones " did build and he wanted it changed. And the rest we knew he revolted most likley with Denathrius help in the shadows, managed to kill the primus and then got bound/jailed himself to the maw by the other Eternals.

  11. One thing i can´t make sense of is Sylvannas story in all of this. She killed herself in Wrath of the Lichking after Arthas is defeated because she lost her obsession to kill him etc, and i don´t understand that she would be cast into the Maw at this point she didn´t realy do anything that would call for that. Sure some bad things but at that time she did it not for only herself or for evil sake. So at worst she would come to Revendreth for her Sins and Maldraxxus if deemed she doesnt need to atone for them.
    It only would make sense if she would come 100% to the maw and could meet the Jailor that way. And at that Time i think the Jailer was still in chains and couldn´t make it so that Sylvannas would come to the maw. Maybe Mueh´zala did this too for he Jailor..?
    And that " Blizzard: She is not a traitor/bad guy it will make sense " i can´t see right now. All i can see is: she wants to avert her fate and is dooming everybody else for it. She got tricked by the jailor, but then again she still will doom everybody else for herself. An d if she belives in the Jailor and that the system of life and death isnt fair she still does it mostly for herself because she doesnt like her fate in it.

  12. I want to see where they put Garrosh damnit. I was hoping he would be unleashed on the mortals in the Sire Denathrius mythic only phase but that was not the plan. So what are they going to do with him? I mean if they just showed him in the Afterlife but then nothing to do with him later I will be a bit disappointed for sure.

  13. I would like to point out that there's some fairly obvious forshadowing in Ardenweald after you have saved some Night elf souls. If you speak with them, some of them are talking about taking vengeance for Teldrassil and suggesting that they still have a part to play. I don't know what will happen but it will be interesting to see, perhaps they drag Sylvanas into the oblivion she feared so much. Techincally not killing her so the simps won't weep over her and she can be pulled out of blizzards ass when they need her back.

  14. I am interested in the crazy character meetups that will/should happen this expansion.
    Sylvaanas- KelThuzad
    Jaina-Kelthuzad( She and Arthas killed him together afterall)
    Anduin – Bolvar(they haven't met since wrathgate)
    Jaina-Uther(Arthas in the Maw stuff)
    Sylvanas-Tyrande(most likely ending in death of either of those or both)
    Kaelthas-Lady Vashj-Tyrande( Illidan and legion aftermath)
    Uther-Turalyon( uther does not know he is back and alive)
    Most importantly, what about Garrosh Hellscream in Revendreth?

    I know Saurfang was pretty much the MC of BFA but we should be seeing him in the Maw as well.

  15. I’ve been looking at that model of the Jailer from the announcement cinematic and it strikes me as different to the Jailers outline now. The arms look too skinny on the first one and it looks like he still has a crown on in the first one… just a little thing I’ve spotted, probably won’t lead to anything

  16. I'd say in the next expansion the only thing we have left to do unless they expand on the lore is to rebuild the last titan and find out why the dwarfs went mad at that excavation site.


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