Fyrakk Ending Cinematic – Patch 10.2.0

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Fyrakk Ending Cinematic – Patch 10.2.0

#Fyrakk #Ending #Cinematic


48 thoughts on “Fyrakk Ending Cinematic – Patch 10.2.0”

  1. This is way worse than shadowlands. Dragonflight might be a good expansion in terms of gameplay, but its lore is the worst I've seen in these 19 years of wow. I really hope an AI or a child wrote this, because you HAVE to be absolutely brain dead to imagine such a pathetic ending.

  2. I dislike this “Telling” to the player what’s happening.

    Imagine the strength of the first scene, if as the camera pans to Alexstraza’s face, you hear Azeroth’s voice speak to her, just like Anduin in the new cinematic. Then she opens her glowing eyes. We’d all be able to infer what the second scene tells us, without actually telling us. Or saying family.

  3. The story these days is too much about love, family, friendship, respect, forgiveness, compassion. It's like written for children. Where's the war and hatred? I'm not asking for things to become dark, gritty and edge, but there's gotta be some balance. The writers are playing it way too safe, and it makes things boring and bland.

    The dialogue in the video is terrible! It doesn't sound organic. The characters speak and even finish each others sentences, as if they can read their minds. There's way too much telling and no showing.

  4. Let me write a better one in 30 sec: Fyrakk at the last stage of the boss fight kill Vyranoth, Alestraza sees it and freaks out, turns into a dragon and bites fyrakks neck splattering blood everywhere, then there is a quest to chop off his head and take it to Valdrakken to put it on display in the middle of the city. There ya go

  5. Power Rangers fanfic that doesn't bring the story forward at all. No hints of the next expansion, nothing at all. A complete waste of time and a really dissapointing waste of an end cinematic. Come to think of it, all end cinematics after Legion have been terrible.

  6. Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying Dragonflight and this season especially. But what is with these cinematics and cutscenes? The voice acting, the writing… its horrible.

  7. Let them cook guys, the expansion is far from over. They did say more stuff was to come and it's gotta be something that leads into The War Within. Not just a pre patch, something must take the story towards the prepatch. I hope.

  8. Tip: if u get some real responsibility in your life and actually engage with the real world and real people and even try to help them I promise u won't need a video game to be dark and gritty for u ur quota of dark and grit will be met in a far more productive way and then the game can just be fun


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