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In this video I will show you sick solo 100k gold/h farm. This farm is insane solo gold farm and you should do it as soon as possible!
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Shadowlands Gold Making | Wow Shadowlands Gold Farming Guide | Wow Gold Farming
are you sold leather ? or leatherworking to item ?
i cannot understand. u sold leathers to vendor or?
Спасибо друг!
New farm fake farm, more than one hour to the spot and nothing interesting. The only thing I can have is a pet with value of 15k gold
these leather is not selleble, just saying
Hello I'm new to the game and dont know how and where to get vanilla skinning. could someone pls explain it to me?
I did this farm on Blackhand EU for 1 hour
got 1 Rugged Hide
1 Medium Hide
122 Rugged Leather
440 Thick Leather
9 Medium Leather
6 Light Leather
1 Dagger "Widowmaker"
and 1 Pet.
Loot Appraiser says 37.868g Item Value and 122g currency looted
Its not too bad, but I feel like its a little to exhausting for me personally, but thats something everyone has to decide for themselves
Check this price in kazzak xD maybe 10k in 1h
Not a Shadowlands farm—Where the hell have you been for the last 10 years….
So basically the farming is from leathers , and sometimes tmog and pets?
82 light leather, 52 medium leather, 71 rugged leather, 263 thick leather. 6 light hide, 8 medium hide, 2 heavy hide, 6 ythick hidfe, and 26 greens
So what are these vanilla leathers used for in retail? I just spent an hour farming this and my lootappraiser said 15k. I didnt get any pets but if its only the pets that give gold its probably worth just doing with group?
damn this is a sick solo farm
hope it gets well soon
Yea on 2 EU realms I play prices for these leathers are more then 50% less then for you and no they don't sell that great so this can make you maybe 20k gold per hour once in a week.. I really don't get it where do people find realms where they can make these insane numbers lol
Too bad im in kazzak!! I really dont know what to do so i can earn gold..
Nice, when I did this farm for my channel I got about 60k per hour.
Eh got dark whelping is like 4k on my server , but i got it from the 2nd mob lol
I don't know if im doing something wrong but i got 5k gold 1h from this farm…
what's the name of this pet ?
What are the thick leather used for by the way?
First of all thanks for info.
Im new to wow and tried that farm and farmed like 1 hour.
At first half spawn rate is so good but at 30th min spawn nearly stopped and get back to normal like 10 minutes later is that normal.
I focused more on kills rather than skinning because skins are not that expensive on my server.
And this is result for 1 hour:
600 gold.
1 Dark Whelp
53 green mog
1 recipe – Dusky Boats
1 blue mog
113 light leather
3 light hide
52 medium leather
4 medium hide
51 heavy leather
4 heavy hide
167 thick leather
3 thick hide
solo ??? absolutly not LMAO