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Your crest idea is not a good idea in my opinion. Also if you put gilded crests in delves which are easy to do mythic+ ppl will just spam delves to upgrade.
ive geared multiple toons to 610 item lvl just from delves mythic plus isnt worth it lol
Mythic+ groups never again.
I think it would be a great idea if the new anniversary content like the BRD raid had valorstones and crests from bosses and full completion
All of these upgrade systems needs to be deleted. Mythic Plus and raids should be your best available gear. One an upgrade keep farming instances for a drop
Would love a reason to run higher level delves, so yes, i agree that better stuff should drop past level 8
Raise the crest weekly cap and remove the valorstone cap!!!!
Am I the only one who thinks that there should only be 1 crest type and that upgrading should just require more crests?
Doing higher content gives more crests.
Or am I just too simple?
I refuse to accept that im being "elitist" for thinking not everyone deserves access to the best gear. If you could get gilded crest from everything it completely invailidates the gearing loop of the actual difficult end game content. #leavethebestgearinthehardestcontent
shadowlands itemization was better than this. just gather one resources and use it to upgrade. get rating to increase how far you can upgrade is better than mutliple different currencies to upgrade. pain in the ass
thank god because mythics are so annoying and the nerf to zekvir counting towards vaults was very discouraging.
I don’t even know how this mythic stuff works
band-aids cant fix 15 inch open wounds!!!!
anyone who thinks so is delusional!!!
They can nerf the M+ dungeons all they want its not gonna help the toxic community they have let fester which happens when you add a timer to something.
gilded dropping in T11 delves would be fine by me.
They need to eliminate tiers of crests straight up. Make it all one currency. Harder content rewards more, higher upgrades require more. Then you can totally eliminate the stupid upgrade vendor. Blizzard so often gets bogged down with these dumb overly complicated systems in order to time gate stuff. Just stop.
I did a pug +3.. the team died 82x….. I stayed just to see how far they would take it. People don’t know the mechanics or think they don’t need to do them. And I question their ability to press their buttons. A 610 doing 300k dps…. I don’t understand it. Pugging is hell.
Along with allowing to farm gilded crests in higher tier delves like 9 , 10 & 11. but how about continuing the difficulty on delves beyond 11 with gilded crest rewards. Or how about time walking delves. Using older dungeons as content. It would also give players more of an incentive to explore the world.
And how about giving us more transmute options? carved to runed and runed to gilded or even resonance crystals to carved.
that intro is so annoying "heyguyswhatusbosihdfiouhwe"
slow down dude
Pugging M+ will never be viable. Ever.
Bro really said 'cheeks out'
What is the music in the background at the start of this video?
What is that chest/tabard piece? 😀
Im still not doing m+. Its not fun and most pugs make it worse
NO YOU DON'T NEED THE TO MYTHIC PLUS Anymore!!!! I have not touched mythic plus and I'm good don't listen to these streams anymore there not revelent
Yeah you shouldnt really be able to get the higher tiers of gear without doing the higher difficulty tiers of content. So honestly Im fine with how it is at the moment. Its honestly crazy that tier 8 delves give hero track in the vault.
They should distribute gilded crests starting from +4 – 2 crests, +5 – 4 crests, +6 – 6 crests
So people with different skill ceilings can still have a way and now useless keys like 5,6,7 are worth doing. People who can do 8's will still do it but people who can't at least have a slow path for progress.
If you can't do +8 , you can just stay in delve jail till the end of the season.