Not to mention that it gave infectious disease scientist the first real data to effectively modeling the concept of intentional vectors (something seen in the past few years).
And would be studied by epidemiologists to help understand how epidemics spread and the way that people react during times of mass infection. It has been credited on numerous occasions for helping to create models to project how to address them.
would be nice to make it an april fool event
And this event is still to this day studied by the CDC and was noted for its extreme importance in the initial responses to covid
Not to mention that it gave infectious disease scientist the first real data to effectively modeling the concept of intentional vectors (something seen in the past few years).
And would be studied by epidemiologists to help understand how epidemics spread and the way that people react during times of mass infection. It has been credited on numerous occasions for helping to create models to project how to address them.
Oh wow
There have been legitimate studies into this event, it’s absolutely crazy
Blizzard you should not patch that 😂
Covid 05
And ever since blizzard have done anything and everything in their power to remove fun from the game ever since
😮 Holy refund time!
insane lol
Wisoky Flat
And devs coulnd‘t fix then and can‘t now wow!
Wow Covid edition
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 good old times
I’m still paying off the repair bill.
been there, done that. no shame 🙂
Just like Variant Creutzfeld-Jacob disease 😩
the world government still studies this game play
Craziest thing that’s ever happened in wow
Wurde die erste digitale Pandemie ausgelöst 😵
Forsaken punching the air. 😂
Hunter pets causing wipes…
This is what we need back.
This was so hilarious.
MMO pandemic is wild