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Zuco takes a look at potential builds for Fury Warrior in Shadowlands 9.2. Permanent Recklessness? New talent choice?
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Pandaren have coolest animations for Arms, especially when mortal combo procs.
Also i think your suggested build for 9.2 sounds great, but i guess other builds could be more or less equal. For example, what about playing will of the berserker legendary with anger management? I think constant 7% crit could give more value to raging blows and condemn casts. Also if tier set effect can proc signet, it would be op with any covenant except venthyr.
Heya, nice Vid mate, you know you can use a cancel aura macro to stop Bladestorm right?
Have you looked at angermanagment with deathmaker?
COOLdownreduction from reckless defense, 20% chance per rampage, i check my pvp matches there are hardly any , so at tops it shaves of 2 seconds