GET iLvl 220+! Shadowlands Season 1 Gearing GUIDE: ALL You Can Do To Gear Up!

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28 thoughts on “GET iLvl 220+! Shadowlands Season 1 Gearing GUIDE: ALL You Can Do To Gear Up!”

  1. Change my mind. Shadowlands is a game designed for 5 percent of the games population to sell carries and boosts for WoW tokens, just so those people can enjoy things about the game they didn't have to pay for in past expansions like random BG's. Activision Blizzard has created a slave labor force to make them more money, while people with esport orgs tell you this system is good for the game and good for you, when they are financially tied to a failed esport with waning interest being a success. Oh and they have esport level players carry though them content to get them geared as well…

  2. Thanks for recommending PvP btw, never did it before and i tried it this xpac, and i find it a much better way to level up my gear, though i still have war mode off lol

  3. Unrelated but can someone explain to me how a base mythic dungeon is called zero while the next level is two? people act like I'm wrong for asking this question but fundamentally it makes no sense unless there's a reason for it. I will not conform to stupidity for no reason

  4. What People probably dont understand is that the Rep Gear and Cov. Set Gear is more like the FULL CASUAL Gearing System e.g. my 58 Year old Dad (no joke).
    He needs 4 Weeks to reach lvl 60 and then does World Quests and Sidequests, probably do one or two hero Dungeons per Week and the LFR when it comes out (and if he has time) but thats it…
    Blizz caters to them with the ilvl and to us for transmog, its totally fine imo.

  5. the covenant renown cap is killing it for me, like unsub and come back just before 9.1 to skip this hour of content a week level of killing it.

    I get that people really enjoy running the same dungeons for the same loot at different ilvls for 2 years on repeat but after farming normals into heroics and a few mythics I never want to see half the dungeons again (even if they're better than they've been in years)

    I can never see myself farming the same dice trinket 34 times in the same expansion

  6. Honestly I haven't done jack really but eff around,I'm taking it slow this time around. I burned myself out in bfa.
    My main feels just like another alt,I'm alright with that.


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