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So how exactly does the 9.2 gear work? We have it all explained for you from the start of patch 9.2 shadowlands to the very entry of the new season! Apart from all the patch 9.2 changes, we go through all details of acquiring and understanding the gear: what 9.2 gear item level will you get, how 9.2 gear sets will drop as well as mythic plus and profession gear. If this was of any help, drop a like for good ol’ MarcelianOnline as more 9.2 guides are on the way
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the game is dead my nigga
So PVP progression and hearing basically remains the same?
I wish we would get some new pvp style content.
9.2 will be the best patch of all time
9.2 is basically SL launch patch lmfao
Unlike Blizzard, MarcelianOnline has an excellent cadence of content releases. And they're all bangers.
I love how you went from normal to mythic dungeon and not one time you mention heroic dungeon.
Well at this point who needs the 226 besides for mogs? Speaking of, the swords you are carrying during this video on your DH. We’re they from that vendor?
Well.. here we go again.
Are you guys going in with an already-geared main or are you guys gearing new mains?
they should make it easier for casual players to get gear as well , not many people like to PVP or do raids or dungeons
What about the pvp gear my dude?
and you have to have the pay to win rating for solo ppl lmfao!
Man your content is top quality as always. Salutări din Irlanda
what addon are you using for your UI?
8 days as of tomorrow, i'm both ready and not ready for this.
Awesome video thanks so much! Learned a lot!
that item lvl gap is huge i wish they would tone it down a bit 26 ilvls is a bit much.
why does every wow youtuber sound like this
great Video as always thank you
are M+ going to be more difficult with the higher item lvl loot? Or will the difficulty of a lets say +10 pre patch be the same diff after patch?
sigh once again RNG on the vault to get the highest ilvl in m+ instead of them letting us upgrade it all the way up.
Is it just me or does Flame share a lot of resemblance with Pat from raising Dion
What addon are you using on Demon hunter? and Weakauras?
Dude what is even the point in making that second currency such a low drop rate????
So for returning players on fresh toons or new players, the recommended path is get the anima gear, then try to get full heroic dungeon gear while farming rare mobs for the other currency and gear drops?
Awesome video thanks for this. Someone know, what's the weekly Valor cap, or Is there a cap in 9.2 ?
Beautiful content as usual, are you guys planning on updating your addons vid? feels like lots of addon devs aren't playing anymore.
Is it even worth trying to gear a alt through Korthia or wait til 9.2?
what class do you recommend to make solo content, map bosses?