GET THAT 9.2 Gear

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So how exactly does the 9.2 gear work? We have it all explained for you from the start of patch 9.2 shadowlands to the very entry of the new season! Apart from all the patch 9.2 changes, we go through all details of acquiring and understanding the gear: what 9.2 gear item level will you get, how 9.2 gear sets will drop as well as mythic plus and profession gear. If this was of any help, drop a like for good ol’ MarcelianOnline as more 9.2 guides are on the way 🙂

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29 thoughts on “GET THAT 9.2 Gear”

  1. great Video as always thank you 🙂
    are M+ going to be more difficult with the higher item lvl loot? Or will the difficulty of a lets say +10 pre patch be the same diff after patch?

  2. So for returning players on fresh toons or new players, the recommended path is get the anima gear, then try to get full heroic dungeon gear while farming rare mobs for the other currency and gear drops?


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