Get the latest info on The War Within from the WoW: What’s Next panel! November 4, 2023 by World of Warcraft Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ source
Kinda defeats the object of expansions if we know we are going to survive 2 of them to get to the 3rd…theres no threat or danger coz uno everythin will be alright…. Reply
Npc joining always ruins everything that already sounds dreadful, this games so easy why would we need more help Reply
Anduin beard & haircut
ESG hire simulator
The game should be for all of humanity, un ban syria, please 😢
Delves… and companions… great ESO style…
The delve intro achievement better be "Delve Right In"
NOOOOO please let the NPC companion be OPTIONAL. Do NOT want.
Cata v2?
Kinda defeats the object of expansions if we know we are going to survive 2 of them to get to the 3rd…theres no threat or danger coz uno everythin will be alright….
Npc joining always ruins everything that already sounds dreadful, this games so easy why would we need more help